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If you put this post in the hydro section you will probably get a better answer. As for me personally I have no idea what NFT is I grow in coco.

Yeah I just did. I'm a coco guy too but I fancy a shift in growing style
I've been growing with coco and I do like it but I'm getting lazy with watering 8 plants everyday. That's the reason I wanna go hydro. I just created a thread in the hydro section.
Yeah I am thinking a drip system is my next project or a pump and those fancy overpriced watering rings they sell.
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I wanted to order some seeds but I think I should wait till after New year's since most of the seed banks will be closed, correct?
I'm sure some will be, and the mail will be running slow. But there may be some killer holiday deals going on, too.
Christmas falls on a Saturday, so I'm thinking most banks will be open normal weekday hours.
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