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I do. I started at the bottom (even the bottom was awesome!).
Now I'm Assistant Superintendent/Equipment Manager. I left it for a while, never again.
There's nothing like watching the first hint of dawn, listening to the coyote's singing goodnight to the stars. :coffee:
I worked at at a course called Lionhead Golf and Country Club . Ive been fired for the second time . The super is an asshole and doesn't know shit from shinola . I'm currently sueing for " dismissal without cause " . The first time he fired me he let me sit at home for a year. When he found out I was the best dam machine operator he could find he hired me back with a raise LOL Like you I loved the early morning sunrises but I think I'm all done this time he can kiss my ass . :toke:
I worked at at a course called Lionhead Golf and Country Club . Ive been fired for the second time . The super is an asshole and doesn't know shit from shinola . I'm currently sueing for " dismissal without cause " . The first time he fired me he let me sit at home for a year. When he found out I was the best dam machine operator he could find he hired me back with a raise LOL Like you I loved the early morning sunrises but I think I'm all done this time he can kiss my ass . :toke:
I like this story, good for you big bear
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