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@Renaissance Redneck I have a friend who has nerve damage as a result of shingles ( post herpetic neuralgia ) got a receipe for that one ?? :biggrin:
I use the same basic recipe for most things, but for serious pain I really ramp up the flower and DMSO. For sensitive skin I avoid using aromatics like peppermint and cinnamon oil and stick to lavender.
I need to finish the post :face: (damn I'm behind), but this is the basic:
I made some for an amputee with very bad pain, and spiked the recipe with an alcohol reduction (literally taken down to a tar like consistency) with good results. Not 100% pain free, but bearable.
I'll post up a tinc recipe this week as well. With good dosing, it can help take the edge off but keep folks active.
First jar whipped:smoking:

Winter is nice. Snow and water cool things down fast!
Hey @Renaissance Redneck !

What is that loveliness your whipping up!?
That's a canna rub. :bighug:
Sadly, I've neglected our "bud library" and need to restock, but the Missus just gave the nod to crack a few more beans. I'm gonna see if the beautiful Missus might shoulder the load and journal the grow.:yeah::angel:
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