OK.... I must be crazy!!!! I am going to give this glass beaker bong away for the Festivus Celebration......right NOW!!!!
So here is what I need.....First person to take a pic with their name tag.....with a pack of gum, condom and a comb....will win this bong!!! Yep!!! Illadelph 9 inch glass beaker bong!!! Name tag, pack of gum, condom and comb!!!I'll call this comp "the Saturday Night Special" because if you had those 3 items and this bong, Saturday night would be special!

Here is the kicker....You have 5 minutes to get the pic up or this bong goes back into the prize stash for a later date to be given away!!! Ready......starting the stop watch......GO!!!!!
Name plate, pack of gum, condom and a comb!!! Timer starts NOW!!! GO! Saturday Night Special Comp is ON for a bong!!!