Hey guys, we're doing our FIRST EVER live audio interview with Tom from
@PlatinumLEDTom today at 2 PM Eastern Time (USA) (1 PM Central Time, 12 PM (noon) Mountain Time.) We'll work on getting a list of what that would be in the other time zones if you're aren't sure on the conversion.
You can LISTEN to it live when we broadcast here:
This will work on your android phones, your iPhones, your PC's, and your macs! There's a Mixlr app even if you want to go further!
You don't have to be a member of Mixlr to listen, BUT, there is a LIVE CHAT feature on our radio page that requires you to sign up (it takes barely a MINUTE to do!) So if you wanted to live chat with other forum members or ask Tom with Platinum LED questions directly so he can answer them on the radio, that's going to be the best route!
We'll be working on fielding questions from LS too, but the focus will be on the Mixlr side, so if you have a minute, go create an account right now on Mixlr and follow us! If you use a valid e-mail address, it will let you know ANY TIME we click the live broadcast button so there's no missing a broadcast if you're free and able to listen!
If you miss the show, we'll have a recorded copy of it online here with a link for playback!
We're all looking forward to our first audio interview and should be pretty cool! And if you can't make one today, we have ANOTHER live audio interview TOMORROW with
@Black Dog LED at 11 AM Mountain Time (US!)
Again, that's
Create that account and you won't miss a show! Come chat with us LIVE today!