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It’s funny when we hire folks, they ask if we drug test. We’re a vape company! Each of our employees gets a Grasshopper! This year we definitely saw a lot of growth company-wise. We look forward to growing more in 2017! Send your resume.
Ya i would expect a negative result to cause a no hire situation,kidding on that one..
...on the Ti model, does the Ti disperse the heat faster and more readily than SS? My main concern is such a short exit length, there's not much cooling of the vapor..?

The Ti model does disperse heat the surrounding environment faster than the SS version. I see your concern with the short vapor path but this is actually one of the features of the device. Our stance on this is a long vapor path just allows some of your active ingredients to condense out. This is why with other vapes and glass you will get resin buildup on the inside. All that is wasted! With a short vapor path we are providing better delivery and keeping cleaning to a minimum. If you are after a cooler experience you can run it through a water pipe no problem.
@Hopper Labs

How long doe the Grasshopper take to heat up?
What it the best way to use the Grasshopper lots of small sips or big rips?

The Grasshopper only takes about 5 seconds to heat up. It is designed to be turned on and off between each hit. The unit has no problem doing both small and large hits but ideal usage would be a 15-20 second draw, turn off and repeat as desired. The size of your rip is just how fast you draw the air through.

Because the unit is pure convection the herbs are only being vaped when you are drawing air through so you don't need to worry about waste from turning it on and off. This also makes it perform with just a pinch or the chamber filled to the brim.
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