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Nah! We really wanted to get the device out there. You have no idea how stoked we were to finally ship the units out to our backers, knowing just how good of a device we had built. Of course there were problems with the first units and we have been revising and making each batch better ever since. We a bit masochistic with work, so pushing through when it got hard was right up our ally! Designing the product was pretty fun, delivery was pretty hard.
Nice one...I had a couple of earlyish units, which had issues, but the the next 3(2 from you and a stainless from a 3rd party) have worked fine. I`m interested whether I`m all good not registering `em ...unless I have a warranty issue?(I may gift one in the future and don`t want to screw the lifetime warranty...)
...Ooohh, also, any timescale on my SS case...I get that you`ve been working on getting the GHs out to punters:thumbsup:...just thought I`d enquire(while you`re here like! :yeah:). :devil:

is there any new stuff on the drawing boards that you could share with AFN ? Some new designs maybe ? How about a Limited Edition "GrassAFNhopper" with added Vibe !!!!

I have been looking at vaporizers for a while now , I have no experience with any of them at all , now this one of yours would be just dandy for me . I watched some of the reviews and was very impressed with the quality of you pen . Just one question - how long to does it take to recharge the battery .
Yes! We have been working almost all of 2016 on boosting production. People keep ordering them faster and faster as we get closer to having no wait time. We hand assemble every device here in Colorado. We have around 30 manufacturers which build individual parts for us and it is killer job to get everything here at the same time without delay. We are getting much better at it, but honestly we had no experience going in.
Is there still an opening with your company,,and do you drug test?? I seen it on your homesite
troon did it first so ....

[HASHTAG]#showmeyourbush[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#stone dragon[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#Letsgetiton[/HASHTAG]


Lol what did I do?
@Hopper Labs I've personally only tried vaping a couple times. How would I know if the GRASSHOPPER is for me.. it's alot of coin to try it out

That's a great point. Maybe we need a loner program? I am sure you would have no problem selling one if you did buy one and not like it.

Along those lines, we really try to personally help any customer who is having issues with the device. It is rare that people really just flat out don't like it, especially if they are coming from smoking.

Send me an email if you are serious about trying one!
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