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I would like to add that i have seen the reviews on the Grasshopper and they are all high,people Love it..:bow:
I don`t buy just any old shite mate...and I got 3 of the lil` bleeders! :thumbsup:
after checking out your website i'm very impressed with your matertials and precission manufacturing, how long did it take you guys to build the first unit?

A prototype took about 8 months, but a prototype is nothing like a full-on consumer product. The final product took us about 1.5 years. I think a lot of people don't ever get to see how hard it is to design something that can be built 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 times. If your failure rate is even 1% then it will never be a viable business. We put all our eggs into one basket---spending our time and money on building something great rather than building a cheap product and relying on a good sales team.
Hey Guy! We have a good crew here today to answer any of your questions. Trevor, Matt, Caroline, and Nicole are all around the office. I'll be sharing your questions aloud for everyone to give their input. Thanks for having us on!

If you need more info check us out at:


@Hopper Labs
Good evening and welcome Hopper labs team!!!:welcome:
So good to have you here with us tonight!!:woohoo1:
I hope you have a great time with us tonight:headbang:
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