i have been a real lazy sod in the cupboard over the last couple of weeks.the AFN hash weekend didnt help,nor did a blue cheese harvest.
skylar white day 10 i dont know where the new growth is comming from,it seems to be suffering from an ingrowing arsehole or something odd.that or ive stunted her,but i dont think i stunted cause i wernt in the cupboard often enough for that.it was kinda missing half its leaf when it popped up.but there is room in the cupboard so it lives.
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sour stomper day 45 have forgot to water a few times,leaves were proper vertical oops.
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neglect just about sums this week up.
tomorrow is another day,monday is the start of another week,pull yer finger out ye fecken eejit.
okokok i will visit the cupboard before i have a smoke,that way im less likely to forget.good thats all sorted then lets move on.
Sometimes the runts do well in spite of our screw ups. We all have our share. It's just your turn in the barrel.