Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

whats up next.
pics gone
going off track a lil from the once a week pic update.
lots of pics
this is not a tutorial from a glipe/eejit/gobshite that is a step to far,unless your a glipe yourself that is dont do anything i do.that would just be plain stupid of you so be warned.
more lost pics
this is just how i do it,seed germination that is.
no pics
im a weirdo if you hadnt guessed allready.i like all my plants to be born on a monday,so i start on wednesday day -4.splash of water in the arse of a tuppaware thing,and put somewhere dark n warmish just happens to be the airing cupboard for me.
lost pics
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day -3
seed sunk itself,so its back in the airing cupboard till tomorrow.i could put up a pic,but it will look just like the pic above so no pic.
edit..ohh no seed in pic above,but its a wee round thing you get the idea.
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Must be a fellow Scot - nobody else would use the words glipe, eejit and gobshite to describe himself, and that's coming from a certified bampot. Looks good, wish I had the height in my cabinet for some of the taller strains, I'm finishing off a Toof Decay at the moment (couple of weeks to go - can't wait to get my gums around her thrichs).
Must be a fellow Scot - nobody else would use the words glipe, eejit and gobshite to describe himself, and that's coming from a certified bampot. Looks good, wish I had the height in my cabinet for some of the taller strains, I'm finishing off a Toof Decay at the moment (couple of weeks to go - can't wait to get my gums around her thrichs).
ha! never heard of glipe before. love gobshite. that was big in liverpool when i was growing up. so was Shitehawk. Not enough people using it these days. Might start a campaign to repopularise!
i really am archie gemmill,but im not and never have been a scot.:gary:
day -2
seed has a tiny tiddler so into toilet roll and back into the early 80's new fangled plastic food container.

6L pot is sat in the trophy cabinet getting toasty,will save you from a dull pic of a pot.
allways have a spare pot potted up,as its not easy to remember what a light pot feels like.the spare is the reference.
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day 0 for the walter white,hopefully see a monday birth.
waiting kettle.jpg

did a lil feng shuie raised the shelf up a bit and moved the 7" osc fan

mephisto toof decay and soon to be walter white.

mephisto sour blues

DP auto mazar

a bit of a tight squeeze
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