Outdoor Anyone want to share an irrigation system method?

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Ive been kinda searching around for cheap home made irrigation systems and i have found a few but for the most part it is what people use for their vegetable garden and not a guerrilla pot grow :p i think alot of us could benefit from hearing other growers system including myself

so if you have ever made one for a guerrila grow that was beneficial please post :)
hard work and diligence for your ladies... lol

it really depends on what your water source is.... there are shit-tons of options..
My irrigation tends to be rain and ground water . Have done buckets from streams , kiddie pool with soaker hose , lugging water in , etc . The problem with having to water your plants in a guerrilla grow is that it tends to leave a path to your plants . For me personally I just plant where the water table is sufficient to keep the plants healthy . The one thing I will do is premix a batch of crystals and add those to the soil . But I only do that if it is a new spot I am not so sure about .
hard work and diligence for your ladies... lol

it really depends on what your water source is.... there are shit-tons of options..

theres actually a stream running close by i could use i guess, but i may do the bottle thing where you fill up the bottles then stick the neck in the ground and it slowly drains into the soil, not sure how long that will last but im planning on going 2 times a week anyways, but there may be some weeks i can only make it one, hopefully not though
well if the running stream nearby is above where your grow site is... gavity feed would be easy... hook that up to a hose timer for irrigation... put an inlet filter on it off the stream... bury the line a couple inches under ground... and run a lead... :2cents:

A stream nearby would mean the water table should be decent . Mj can have tap roots that go 6-10' down .

One thing that I have done with great success is to use 5 gal buckets . I cut a 6" hole in the bottom and put 1/2" holes all around the side for about 4" . The I get close to a source of water where the ground is soft . Stomp the ground a bit to make a depression and place the bucket in it . The bucket keeps the roots from drowning if you have a real wet season , but it also allows the plants roots to go out the bottom and into the ground to get the water it needs .

one of the spots i did this way averaged 6 ozs per bucket . Had a real hard time getting the buckets out since the roots had really grown down into the ground .

Anyway , just throwing ideas out there .
I was going to steal browndirt tek and convert it to flat land. There's a floodplain near by that has massive blackberry patches. I was going to hollow the thickets out just enough to fit a few mi5 in each and lead a tube out from under the thicket to a three gallon bucket concealed near the edge. That way I can just walk down to the lake, fill my portable bucket, walk back to the concealed irrigation bucket and flood irrigate my patch to my heart's content. That way there's no path that leads to them, period and they get tons of water.

I see in your post you were planning on visiting the girls twice a week. Just so you know that will leave a very clear path back to them. Even once every two weeks leaves a path so try to take a different route every time and leave from a different way than you came in.
wow thanks everyone, this has been very helpful, hopefully i'll be using one of these methods very soon :)

AFN > any other growing site ive been a member of

see in your post you were planning on visiting the girls twice a week. Just so you know that will leave a very clear path back to them. Even once every two weeks leaves a path so try to take a different route every time and leave from a different way than you came in.

yes, pay prticular attention to this... remember we arent just up against choppers now... predators too...
I've had some training in tracking and you wouldn't believe the trails people leave to their grows. even if they're being careful they stamp down grass, leave footprints and snap small branches as they go past. Go ahead and take your time getting out to your spot. make slow, deliberate movements and stop every five meters or so just to listen. Look for signs of other people like the things I mentioned above. For fuck's sake don't use an already established path. I'm not sure if it's this site but another member mentioned a way to see if a human has been to your grow spot is to leave a wallet on the ground with a couple of singles sticking half out of it. An animal could give a shit less but most people will at the very least pick it up and move it. Come back and the wallet or money is moved or missing? Don't go back again. Also a good way to monitor human traffic before planting.