Grow Mediums Anyone try growing autos in Fox Farms Ko Ko Bop?

It is Oceans Forest and my girl did really good all of Veg bit really bad in flower.
Exact same thing happened to me. I can get some other brands locally, so I'm definitely moving away from that one. It supported my photo grows for years, but my autos didn't like it at all.
I recently moved to PNW, but before that I grew indoors using FF Ocean Forest with AN Iguana juice and a few othhe er AN organic products and my girls came out fire. I did however use filtered water with a ppm of of about 10-20 ppm and a proper ph. I however cannot attest to FF soil now as its been a few years and I got mine in Georgia, and apparently from these comments the dirt depends on the site it was gathered from. I will say that ko ko bop should be ideal for clones. I accidently broke a few lower branches trying to move my girls into a blackout tent for my first outdoor grow. Well we had 1that was by itself in nothing but ko ko bop as it was donated to us. So I cut, trimmed and scarred the broken branches and just jammed them in the ko ko bop and tilted the pot so that side would be shaded. after about 5-6 days the cuttings fully recovered and took root like crazy. I think it's cause it's fairly neutral and aerates very well allowing the new stems to seek moisture and make new roots. Like I said this was an ''accident" as I really didn't think these would root up but 4 did