New Grower Anyone able to tell me what's wrong with this guy?

Apr 15, 2020
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Hey guys, just wanna say what a fantastic forum i think this is and props to any other uk guerrilla growers!! So this is around 6 days old and was doing great untill i woke up one morning and found it like this? I have only been giving it ph'd water and the rest of my ladies are fine?!!


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Hi mate, U.K. here too! What medium are you growing in? The yellow makes me think some sort of N deficiency but at 6 days old that seems a bit unlikely unless you’re in coco which has no nutrients in it. Maybe over watered but again, if your others are fine then why would this happen to just these two? Are all your plants the same strain?
what kind of soil are you using ? Any nutrients in it ? Maybe you hit a hot spot in the soil in that pot.
Hey guys, just wanna say what a fantastic forum i think this is and props to any other uk guerrilla growers!! So this is around 6 days old and was doing great untill i woke up one morning and found it like this? I have only been giving it ph'd water and the rest of my ladies are fine?!!

hmmm...what kinda soil u uzin & duz it have any perlite in it-? (me don't really see any :confused1: ) hard to tell from picz, but the soil might be a bit compacted, idk...soil needz to be loose & aerated, so the lil rootz can find their way thru it...jus me own 2 ctz ;) ppp
Hi guys yep soil was very loose and using biobizz lightmix. Think you may be on to something with hitting a hotspot in the soil... and also those 2 photos are of the same plant. 6 others and they are all fine!