Any idea what is causing this

Jan 24, 2023
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Just registered on the forum so apologies if this doesn’t belong here. Any idea what might be causing this? Lower leaves went limp a few days before and stayed like that. Followed by leaves turning yellow and then curling. Mephisto Walter White in 5 gallon fabric pot. Soil is top layer: mix of ffhf and bas3.0. Bottom layer:bas 3.0.
Day 49-50 Vpd is 1.1-1.2. Temp is 75-80 F

many thanks in advance!

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@Pigeon009 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: I moved your thread into the Infirmary where you are more likely to get some help. There will be many opinions so hang on to your handlebars :rofl:

There are many things that can be happening. First off layering soil can be a problem in itself. Due to the dynamics of water flowing through soil whenever a new strata is encountered the water must fully saturate the upper layer before the water will move to the next layer. I don't think that is the problem here but next time make the soil in the pot homogeneous by mixing it all without layers.

Answer the questions in this form as best as you can and I will look to see if I can make a better guess as to what is happening:

Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: (brief description)
-Medium/grow method: soil; soilless-- coco, or peat based like Promix, etc. (please provide the actual product name); DWC, NFT, etc.
-Feed and supplements used: include brand, dosage/strength, frequency of feeding and watering (alone); method-- by hand, drippers, rercirc' or drain-to-waste,... N-P-K #'s too if you can!
-Water source: RO/DI; tap- dechlorinated-?..... EC or TDS reading; pH (don't bother with this on RO/DI, do bother with TDS/EC though to confirm it's working well enough)
-Strain and age
-Climate: night and day ambient T and RH%; res' temperatures; any extremes in T/RH% exposure
- Light used: HID, LED, COB, combo of,... wattage; light cycle hours (20/4, 18/6 , etc.); distance to tops....
-Additional info: PH in the root zone. How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

--Pictures including WHOLE PLANT PICS, and troubled leaves.. use normal light or flash as other light sources ruin color rendering, critical for diagnostics! Turn off the grow lights.

✂ - - - - - - - - - - -
(copy and paste)-->


Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:

PH in the root zone:


light used:


Additional info:
Just registered on the forum so apologies if this doesn’t belong here. Any idea what might be causing this? Lower leaves went limp a few days before and stayed like that. Followed by leaves turning yellow and then curling. Mephisto Walter White in 5 gallon fabric pot. Soil is top layer: mix of ffhf and bas3.0. Bottom layer:bas 3.0.
Day 49-50 Vpd is 1.1-1.2. Temp is 75-80 F

many thanks in advance!

View attachment 1558841View attachment 1558842
Are those sub-irrigation trays? I like Earth Boxes a lot but many other styles of bottom watering can have a toxic salt line where the wicking action of the soil will no longer carry the salt up?
Are those sub-irrigation trays? I like Earth Boxes a lot but many other styles of bottom watering can have a toxic salt line where the wicking action of the soil will no longer carry the salt up?
They are these AC infinity water wicking trays. I water the plants from the top but fill these trays with water just so I don't have to water often.
Also just curious, you said you moved my thread to the infirmary. So, should I just fill out the form and reply to your comment or where should I post the form? Thanks in advance!
Also just curious, you said you moved my thread to the infirmary. So, should I just fill out the form and reply to your comment or where should I post the form? Thanks in advance!

Yup we are in a different thread now it will be much easy to follow.... and you are correct just copy and paste the form part of his post and fill it in the best you can then he will be able to make a much better judgment as to what's going on.. He's got years of experience over me
@Pigeon009 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: I moved your thread into the Infirmary where you are more likely to get some help. There will be many opinions so hang on to your handlebars :rofl:

There are many things that can be happening. First off layering soil can be a problem in itself. Due to the dynamics of water flowing through soil whenever a new strata is encountered the water must fully saturate the upper layer before the water will move to the next layer. I don't think that is the problem here but next time make the soil in the pot homogeneous by mixing it all without layers.

Answer the questions in this form as best as you can and I will look to see if I can make a better guess as to what is happening:

Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: (brief description)
-Medium/grow method: soil; soilless-- coco, or peat based like Promix, etc. (please provide the actual product name); DWC, NFT, etc.
-Feed and supplements used: include brand, dosage/strength, frequency of feeding and watering (alone); method-- by hand, drippers, rercirc' or drain-to-waste,... N-P-K #'s too if you can!
-Water source: RO/DI; tap- dechlorinated-?..... EC or TDS reading; pH (don't bother with this on RO/DI, do bother with TDS/EC though to confirm it's working well enough)
-Strain and age
-Climate: night and day ambient T and RH%; res' temperatures; any extremes in T/RH% exposure
- Light used: HID, LED, COB, combo of,... wattage; light cycle hours (20/4, 18/6 , etc.); distance to tops....
-Additional info: PH in the root zone. How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

--Pictures including WHOLE PLANT PICS, and troubled leaves.. use normal light or flash as other light sources ruin color rendering, critical for diagnostics! Turn off the grow lights.

✂ - - - - - - - - - - -
(copy and paste)-->


Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:

PH in the root zone:


light used:


Additional info:
Problem: Lower leaves first went limp over the course of a week they turned yellow, then started having brownish spots finally they dried and curled up.

Medium/grow method: Soil. Top layer mix of FFHF and BAS 3.0. Bottom is BAS3.0. in 5 gallon fabric pot.

Feed: and supplements used: Filtered water only for the most part. Gave it a compost tea once in veg (compost tea ingredients: molasses, earthworm castings, and BAS Big 6)

water source: Filtered tap water.

PH in the root zone: Don't know.

Strain/age: Mephisto Walter White Day 49-50

light used: Mars Hydro FC4800

Climate: VPD is 1.1-1.2 Temp 75-80F

Additional info:

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I need more pictures of the droopy plant. Turn off the grow lights and use 5000K (daylight color) bulb or the flash on your camera. This will give me the best color rendition of the plant.

I need for you to get down as close to the bottom of that plant pot as you can and lift it a little and tell me what it smells like?

Ok that looks like a 5 gallon pot with only about 4 gallons of soil in it? was it one gallon of OFHF and 3 gallons of BAS 3.0?

I need to know a lot more about your source water. If it is municipal water get the water quality report of the internet I want the information about hardness and sanitation. When you say filtered what kind of filter RO or just a carbon filter. Does your house have a water softener system?
Ps. @Pigeon009 your plants do not look that bad, in fact they look pretty good so don't over-react.
Reading this thread, I would say the same. It seems to me that the parts involved are subgrowth beneath the canopy. Something most of us would trim away anyway... @Pigeon009, Could you give us a couple of pictures which show the entire canopy?

:welcome: To AFN btw :pass: