I know I know. This probably sounds like a stupid question. After all rain is pretty much the main source of water for plants out in the wild, so why would getting water on the plants be bad? I've seen a few things that have made me wonder though. The first, is I've seen on forums and other websites that getting water with nutrients in it on the leaves can cause a burn to the leaves, I've also heard that if you have water on the leaves, the lights can actually burn the plant. Then, the more obvious one, what if water were to drip down into the buds of the plant? Would this not be almost guaranteeing bud rot? I have my plants training right now, and they are pretty much taking up all of the space in my pot. so I have nowhere to put water, without them getting hit. I worry mostly about the bud rot/ mold because I had some water fall on a plant the other day, and when I came back this morning to check the plants, it was still there.