Dutch Passion Another practice TD Grow by Billy Wu

Thanks Tony, good to see you again bud :) I haven't been around much recently but I'm back on the growing now. Those two new strains you just brought out look amazing! Gonna have to get on the Auto White Widow next :)
Day 50 update

Well, I haven't been on here for a while! I almost forgot I had this little journal going :)
Everything is going excellently. Got a nice big plant that looks healthy and plenty of bud forming. Check it out!

Been doing some trimming as well, mostly trying to get rid of little popcorn bud that'll be useless. Removed about one third of it today, gonna give the plant a little time to recover before I remove some more.

I think I might be swapping out my HPS for one of the Grow Northern LED panels in a few weeks, then after that I'll see how it goes and consider switching to hydro. The reason I'm not ready to swap to hydro is firstly because of money problems and secondly, I need a nice consistent supply of weed for myself. If I have a really shitty first grow in hydro it's gonna be a considerable setback :(


Why don't you try Airpots mate. You can pull good yields of them bro, sort of like between soil and hydro if you get me.
Yeah I might do, it's quite a lot of money to switch to a soil-less medium though. Gotta buy new lighting, pots and equipment, full set of nutrients. Can't afford it all right now :(
Gonna do 1 more grow then upgrade, gives me about another 10 weeks to do some complete research into hydro and soil-less mediums :)
Day 66 update

Well, I'm on for a good harvest again this time :) Gonna guess about maybe 2.5 - 3oz? Not bad at all! My next DWC grow should be awesome! Check it out :)

Today was flush day. A lot of the trichomes and pistils are turning amber in colour so she's definitely ready for harvesting. Gonna cut her down 1 week from today, maybe 5 days, not sure yet.
Here's a few pictures (they're taken with a crappier camera than usual)



Harvest day!

Ah, the day has rolled around once more. Spent a good hour and a half doing some good trimming on all these nice buds. Looks like I'm on for another good harvest :D



The tray weighs 150g (can take pictures to clarify if necessary) and by my estimation, the total result including the tray weight is 460-470g.

470 - 150 = 320g.
25% (approximate dry weight) of 320g = 80g, which is close to 3 ounces :) Not too bad at all!

Up next is my first DWC White Widow hydroponics grow! You can view it by clicking on the link :) Thanks everyone for stopping by again!
Not yet, still drying for a few more days :)