New Grower Another First Timer, Fast and Vast, Blue Diesel

Nice pics. The one in the far/back left corner looks like it's coming along real nice!

Just thinking out loud here, but what about using some sticks/branches from some of the trees around to use instead? It might camouflage in better.
Well I got called out of town for a family emergency, and I haven't been out to my grow for almost a month now. I'll be going this weekend, and will get some new pics.

I've been told that none of the leaves have even begun to turn yellow yet. We're at the 7 week mark. I thought they might have started to by now.

If the trics look milky, and there isn't any new pistol growth. Should I go ahead and harvest in another week, even if the leaves are still green?
I made it out to my grow, and what a difference a month makes. I like what I see, however. These plants are on day 49, and I think they're done. I got plenty of pics below. Unfortunately my little cannabis cove spends a lot of it's time in 100+ degree temps, and there have been some pretty brutal thunder storms, and the insects have been a little rough too.

Does anybody else think these plants look done?


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Also I pulled up 1 Vast and Vast. Almost all the trics were amber. I'm also hard pressed to find any white pistols, or clear trics on any of the plants.


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DAM that was FAST ..I was gona ask if you had white hair but you have cloudy and amber so its all good.Lets see those harvest pics buddy ..Ill save you some big rep points till I see the goods LOL
Everything is drying ATM, but I pulled a couple of flowers out for a couple of preliminary pics. Once it's dry I'll post weights with some more pics.20150713_161015.jpg


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In this post I'll be putting up results, and mention what went right. The next post will be about problems I identified, and things I'm thinking about doing different next time.

First and foremost I'm very pleased with the 4.5 ounces in 49 days from 9 plants (not counting trim) I came away with. This will last us until the next grow is done, so at least I won't have to come out of pocket for our medicine.

I believe the regular watering with Recharge is the biggest reason I got as much as I did. I was informed to buy a bigger container next time, as it was used to revitalize some other flowering bushes, like Roses. I bought the smallest container they sold, and I still have enough for at least one more grow.

Oh yeah I'm also providing medicine for an older family member with bladder cancer. They're getting a couple of puffs in the evening to help with anxiety, and sleep. Glad I grew some Indica dominate stuff.


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Now I have a goal of 30+ grams/plant, and I think I can get there if I can solve the following problems, and relocating is not an option. I have to figure out how to make this spot work.

For the record I spent a few hours wet trimming, and carefully inspected everything. I threw away a lot of pot.

Location/fungus issue - 100+ degrees in temp, 80%+ in humidity. While the geographic features of my grow area do a lot to protect my plants from storms. It doesn't let the air move around well, and amplifies the heat. So I'm guessing that's why the 1 test plant I left behind, after I chopped the rest, got wiped out by a fungus in one week. (pics below) It looked fine when I left, and I only found one other plant with any fungus on it. Just a little on some bottom buds. I really need some help on this one.
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Insects - Wow this ended up being a bigger problem than I hoped it would be. I used Neem oil, but I didn't want to keep spraying that stuff late in the process.

Ants - I wasn't concerned about them. Millions of black ants running up and down my plants, no worries, but the couple of red ants that got stuck in resin and died bothered me a little, still don't want to smoke their little carcases.

Worms - Found a couple of tiny grey worms wrapped in silk attached to the main stem.

Grasshoppers - These motherfuckers took out most of my water leaves.

Some kind of leaf miner did some damage, and the water leaves that weren't eaten had eggs on the underside.

So hopefully to help with the insect problem I bought a bag of insect frass from I will mix this in with the soil when I plant the seedlings, with a regular top dressing.

I planted some marigolds (on sale) and I was thinking about getting some Cyprus mulch.

More seedlings going in the ground soon, so any input at all will be greatly appreciated.

Yes trich pictures in earlier posts were taken with my eye.

I wouldn't mind some strain suggestions for a warm muggy climate, maybe a Northern Lights strain.