Dutch Passion Another AU thread!

Good point about the photos. Will try with just the camera flash next time I'm round there.

If you are taking pics on a digital camera and not a phone, there should be a light balance option(in manual) that if you select while pointing at the plants under LED it will eliminate the purple light.
@TheMongol here is the little runt that nearly didn't make it, plucked and trimmed on the plant, yesterday I think. I will post up dried weight as soon as he tells me. I will try and get a pic of each plant before and after its plucked and trimmed, and follow it up with weights as soon as.

Is that an AU? Whats the height?

Definitely an AU. Although a very weak starter. Didn't think it was going to make it above ground initially, and then when it did, it didn't look to healthy for a while, but no point in killing it when it obviously wanted to live! It also started flowering quite early. Oh, and it was about 35/40cm ish.
It seems, that HE is really scared of folks here....:pass:

LOL! Yeah, he's a bit shy about posting his work online, bless him!!!

The next two have been partially chopped, with the lower branches going back under the sun to ripen up a bit more. They are 2 blocks high to the runts 1 & 1/2, so still not massive. Dry weights will probably be a little while I expect, due to the half chop method being used. Dry weight for the runt was 22.3 grams. Which, considering the plant was nearly binned, is not too shabby.