FoxFarm Trio is great.. remember, Big Bloom is an awesome feed and so light it's hard to burn plants with - don't be afraid to use that at 75% - 100% strength General Feeding schedule.
Grow Big is a very gentle but providing veg nute, I use it at ~75% general feeding after all of the food from my soil is gone, folks say it's good to carry veg nutes to week 7 (use through 6, then switch to flower sched..) What I do is cut down my Veg nutes to 60% and run the 25% flower nutes.
Tiger Bloom has a time and make sure you use it! It's a great chemical fert. Use it at 25% reccomended dose first, see how the plants take it.. then take it up to 50%, then I'd say 10% more at a time as it's very easy to over do Tiger Bloom with autos.
Busht Doctor line has me kind of upset because of the contents of the MB and KR. I think I figured it out though..
Microbe Brew and Kangaroots have the exact same content of bacterias and mycos in them but hey have different NPK properties. I think it contributes to how they're broken down and handled in the soil. FoxFarm reccoemnds alternating them - whenever I do a Sledgehammer Flush I also feed 50% Big Bloom dose and then follow the very next feeding with equal parts Microbe Brew and Kangaroots at 50% dose each, as well I add 1 tbsp molasses per gallon as a snack to the myco. Sledgehammer is Yucca Extract for the Saponin. Saponin effects how some myco herd eat and grow. So it's always nice to give them a little bounce back after they're cleaned up.
Sledgehammer is a wonderful tool and very useful. I've replaced it with 30% Yucca Extract and use 10ml of that in a gallon of water. I also add 2 tbsp of Big Bloom to this.
The best way for a carbon scrubber to be hooked up is in the room, to the exhaust fan..
So the room will have passive intake, then have the carbon filter hooked up at the top of the room and run ducting from the carbon scrubber to the exhaust fan and have the exhaust blow OUT of the room. This pulls fresh air in, blows it over the plants, then the smell gets scrubbed and spit out of the room.
This is of course, my experience and opinion and some people may differ.