New Grower Animatey fumbles photo periods: Royal Queen Critical DWC w/ TOPLED

Shes filling out now Ani,looks good,rewards come to those who wait,youve got to be patient in this game.
Bloody hard sometimes,especially when my stash has ran
73 days of flower and it was time for a chop (yesterday):


She is drying now, filled about 5 grocery bag bottoms (using brown bag drying method). The nugs vary greatly in density due to the uneven canopy and the fact that the plant grew into the ceiling of the cabinet...

Will post dry weight, and then another post later for smoke report after some curing.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck on your grows!


  • IMG_0976.jpg
    79.2 KB · Views: 9
A nice haul there Ani,nice growing pal.
great job, harvesting such a nice plant feels good!
You really gained a lot of experience on this grow.
The next grow, should be even better.
great job, harvesting such a nice plant feels good!
You really gained a lot of experience on this grow.
The next grow, should be even better.

Thanks man!

My new grow actually encountered a problem today...

This morning, this little green poison was was like 95% perfect, perky ready to rock and roll, she was growing in this:

Transplanted her to a 5 gallon with a rez change, and moved her into a bigger place, 1 hour later AND BAM:

Wtffffffffff , she is toasted!!!!!

She is sort of recovering, but every time I put her back in there this happens within an hour...

I took out the 6 inch air stone thinking she was drowning, for the 4 inch I usually use.

I lowered rez level.

I raised up the light thinking it was too intense.

Her roots are shiny white.

I am getting ready to remix her nutrients as maybe something was just mixed really wrong... PPM only at 500 so I'm not sure what gives. They were dropping at 450 as of yesterday...

Any Ideas...? x_x


  • IMG_0989.jpg
    54.3 KB · Views: 14
I have never seen one go down that fast Ani.
You didn't mess with the rootzone right?, just basically moved your net pot to a bigger rez?
Sometimes if you break a major root, the will wilt until the recover.
If there was no real chance to break a major root, I would say she got scorched by heat or light.
Thanks man!

I am starting to think the light is too intense...

I took her out from a 40 watt actual LED and put her under 100.

Root zone looks good, the only change was the rez.

The light could be the culprit, it's definitely something about being inside the wardrobe that is doing it.

I am going to try to use a weak light, way high up.

Thanks for the reply man!

It's weird... she starts to perk out if I leave her in an empty bucket in the kitchen under normal room lighting...

Back in the WD and within 10 mins she is wilty and upset!!!
Looks like it was light burn... Woopsies... I didn't think the upgrade was that massive but now I know lol...

She is finally recovering under a t5. Thanks again for the help diagnosing!
Hey Ani,youve just discovered that plants recover quicker in dim light.
Makes sense when you think about it,the plant can concentrate on repair,
rather than growing as well as repair under a stronger light.
Well final yield is in, and it's a bit disappointing x_x

2.6 ounces, or 72 grams.

The drying phase is so depressing man O_O You watch these huge nugs turn into little nothings... Horrible sight to witness...

My goal was 3 ounces, so it's close, but anything short of 2 oz per month means trips to the dealer. I am starting to think about increasing my plant numbers and sort of reversing my train of thought. I hate tending to many plants, but at the same time I can't ever push a plant past a certain point so maybe i need more numbers.

Was I crazy to think she should have yielded at least 3 under given conditions?
  • I was damn near spot on, on the ppms.
  • Visual checks into the cabinet every day
  • checked PH and ppm every 2 days
  • PPMs were stable
  • PH maybe a little on the low side sometimes (5.1-5.3), but nothing too crazy.
  • Total wattage is over 220 from both of the LEDs...
  • Rez temp ran high, but roots were never unhealthy
  • Cabinet temps were high 70s at the max after about a month into the grow

Just not sure what is missing to get a plant to produce dense nugs. I'm wondering again if it's LED's...

What does it mean if for three years my nugs have always gotten so much smaller in the drying phase and turned into fluffy popcorns each time? What really determines nug density?