great job, harvesting such a nice plant feels good!
You really gained a lot of experience on this grow.
The next grow, should be even better.
Thanks man!
My new grow actually encountered a problem today...
This morning, this little green poison was was like 95% perfect, perky ready to rock and roll, she was growing in this:

Transplanted her to a 5 gallon with a rez change, and moved her into a bigger place, 1 hour later AND BAM:
Wtffffffffff , she is toasted!!!!!
She is sort of recovering, but every time I put her back in there this happens within an hour...
I took out the 6 inch air stone thinking she was drowning, for the 4 inch I usually use.
I lowered rez level.
I raised up the light thinking it was too intense.
Her roots are shiny white.
I am getting ready to remix her nutrients as maybe something was just mixed really wrong... PPM only at 500 so I'm not sure what gives. They were dropping at 450 as of yesterday...
Any Ideas...? x_x