Nutrients And now I know why.....

Something isn't stirring the koolaid. What ingredient in biotabs specifically is restricted? Manufacturer doesn't want to divulge, they don't need my cash.

Micron, from my understanding it's not necessarily ingredients that are restricted but ingredients that are declared or not declared. If there is no MSDS sheet with certain chemicals, you're likely going to have problems shipping them. I had a package destroyed by customs (that contained biotabs) and the explanation I got was there was no data sheet for the materials used, so they could not accept it into the country. Totally fair. Totally plausible. :pighug: I also heard (not from Biotabs directly) that part of it was because of cows blood in the biotab mix. :shrug: Again, maybe a question for these fine folks, but give them some time to fairly answer, okay? :hookah:
Something isn't stirring the koolaid. What ingredient in biotabs specifically is restricted? Manufacturer doesn't want to divulge, they don't need my cash.

See, thats just wrong.

First off, the manufacturer didnt ship my item, a store in amsterdam did, and for all we know, THEY didnt declare something proper.

As others have stated, they have gotten their product before. And to be clear, customs does not have to GIVE the specific reason, they can just have some minimum wage dolt that just says no, because a form was not compleded fully, or theydidnt know diffrent.

UPS is NOT giving me the reason, or ingredients banned, so perhaps you should strir your own koolaid, because if they wont tell me the banned item,and im the one importing it, how can you assume the manufacturer knows, and is just not wanting to divulge?
Micron, from my understanding it's not necessarily ingredients that are restricted but ingredients that are declared or not declared. If there is no MSDS sheet with certain chemicals, you're likely going to have problems shipping them. I had a package destroyed by customs (that contained biotabs) and the explanation I got was there was no data sheet for the materials used, so they could not accept it into the country. Totally fair. Totally plausible. :pighug: I also heard (not from Biotabs directly) that part of it was because of cows blood in the biotab mix. :shrug: Again, maybe a question for these fine folks, but give them some time to fairly answer, okay? :hookah:
No assumptions either way Sir, just curiosity. Just sounds like some red tape issue again.
In reference to the Kool-Aid:

I'm honestly inclined to give BioTabs the benefit of the doubt.


"A key element of the European Union’s chemicals management and environmental protection policies — and one that clearly distinguishes the EU’s approach from that of the U.S. federal government — is what’s called the precautionary principle.

This principle, in the words of the European Commission, “aims at ensuring a higher level of environmental protection through preventative” decision-making. In other words, it says that when there is substantial, credible evidence of danger to human or environmental health, protective action should be taken despite continuing scientific uncertainty.

In contrast, the U.S. federal government’s approach to chemicals management sets a very high bar for the proof of harm that must be demonstrated before regulatory action is taken.

This is true of the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act, the federal law that regulates chemicals used commercially in the U.S. The European law regulating chemicals in commerce, known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), requires manufacturers to submit a full set of toxicity data to the European Chemical Agency before a chemical can be approved for use. U.S. federal law requires such information to be submitted for new chemicals, but leaves a huge gap in terms of what’s known about the environmental and health effects for chemicals already in use. Chemicals used in cosmetics or as food additives or pesticides are covered by other U.S. laws — but these laws, too, have high burdens for proof of harm and, like TSCA, do not incorporate a precautionary approach..,"
EU is also more restrictive / progressive on Genetic Modifications.

I have to wonder if the US nutes we use every day are welcomed at borders worldwide?

When we point a finger at someone else, three fingers are pointing back at us.

[emoji111] (better use for digits.) Lol.

Jah Bless[emoji271]


Jah Strength

check out my first grow. [emoji271]
The reason why the registration in the US is going slowly is, we tried the registration in Chilli aswel,
Then we had to send, all our components of our products ect. Things got checked, and out of it comes that certain bacteria, can't enter the country.
Solution for that would be, that we produce our products over there.

But yeah there is a bloke in Chili that knows all our 'tricks' how we produce our products. Lucky in chili they are pretty chill.

Same thing counts for the US. We want everything to be properly ready. Before we go though the same proces as in Chili. wasting a lot of time and money, and our tricks are out there.
We could start a production line in US, but we just moved to Spain.
I could not handel a other move ;)

And indeed I don't want your money. I just want you to have the best Organic product, there is to smoke!
After that, the money wil come...:smoking:
Lesson learned, expensive but solution found.

We got our package.

UPS sent an overnight letter, the sender send no paperwork, and did not respond, so we got a letter with a TSCA toxic substance control act form Pain had to fill our declaring nothing was illlegal to import, then mail back. If we didnt respondin five days, they were going to turn over to customs to investigate, and we would be libal for their duties plus the daily warehouse fees.... oh the first two days are free, after that its $20/day plus a .04/ day tax. ...We got the letter after nine days. We filled out, paid for and gto it squared with UPS, hubby had a freakout, and we dont want customs snooping our address or what we order....

So a $140.00 lesson...but im taking over ordering, and know how to prevent it next time
Let's just say. Customs doesn't make life easy.
I'm sure some of their measures are justified but it's for this reason we don't have our (gbd's) supersoil in Europe because its nigh on impossible to ship successfully. The times we've tried it's just no bueno.

Luckily for us, seeds are very discreet to ship, but then even those get snagged. So sending big packages/bulky items is extra difficult.

If biotabs does have a solution to get them there successfully it's totally worth it. $50 may seem steep to some but when you consider for us it's $30 to send a package less than 500g to the U.K. With a courier, within the eu, once you go longer distances it's at least double that cost with a 'fast' service. I can assure you that's the rate and they're not having your pants down about it,
