New Grower Amnesia Haze Auto LST

Hey Guys, just wanted to update about a few things for those who see this. So I was reading through some other threads and dude was asking about drooping leaves on an auto...his pics were near identical to mine when the lights are off in the tent. Many posters advised that this was due to high RH and was starving the plant of air. and likely would lead to bud rot or root rot. I thought it was just a natural thing for it to do that when the lights were off?

Alas, when the lights are off my RH goes up to about 80% in the tent, the fans all go off too with it for a 5 hour break. I guess this high RH is due to the 2 dinafem White widow xxl and 1 dinafem amnesia XXL i was germing in there with it. Those pots were soaked thoroughly and have yet to dry. So I moved those two out of the tent and under a 4 foot CFL with 2 40W cool white alto bulbs in it...on the floor, next to the tent. But its how I started this AH so I guess I need to go back to that with the new arrivals.

How the heck can I stagger a grow so there is 2 plants a month old when I start another two and put them in the same tent? It seems like you have to adjust everything somehow so that it creates two different environments in the same place so all plants are happy...there is RH, light distance (when you only have one light source in the tent to begin with), etc etc that must be balanced I guess. I don't know how others accomplish this. Any pointers?

This is getting too stressful. Plus I have no smoke. I don't know whats normal for most but 28 grams lasts me about 20 days. It kills me when I have to stop cold turkey. The extra stress doesn't help..

The WW XXLs refuse to grow. I germed the amnesia xxl the same day as the WW XXLs. The amnesia xxl has been up for a week today. The WWs...well one is growing upside down. i see the root popping up above the soil. The other one who knows but he's still a no show. Any pointers?

This ILGM AH is still going fine though. Not much has changed other than she now has her own private room again. I'll post pics when something noticeable happens or when a week passes, or I just need to rant, whichever first.

Hope everyone's nice and stoned and enjoying their weekend.
I just did what you did and I know I killed 7 seedling's my humidity got up to 88% for 6 hours because I did same thing those pots don't need to go in for days at least not till they pop I won't make that mistake again if you can get your humidity at 50% you should be able to get vegg and bloom with no problems it works for me.
Going cold turkey is no fun I guess I had not smoked for 18 years so the last 2 months are new to me I know it helps greatly with my nerves and nausea.
You will get it together I'm going to start staggering my grows rather then all at once I believe it will work out better.
If I can help you I'd love to but I don't know much here to learn have studied for a year I should not have waited you really don't learn until you do it.

How the heck can I stagger a grow so there is 2 plants a month old when I start another two and put them in the same tent? It seems like you have to adjust everything somehow so that it creates two different environments in the same place so all plants are happy...there is RH, light distance (when you only have one light source in the tent to begin with), etc etc that must be balanced I guess. I don't know how others accomplish this. Any pointers?

Start the seeds in the kitchen or an airing cupboard then when you transfer to the final pot don't water the whole pot just the area where the root is and gradually give more. Below the leaves till they reach the edges works as a rule of thumb. Big and small plants like 40° + for vegging, less is better for buds so flowering nearer the fan, oh and shoe boxes etc for plant stands to help balance height to light. Just my tuppenceworth :)
I just did what you did and I know I killed 7 seedling's my humidity got up to 88% for 6 hours because I did same thing those pots don't need to go in for days at least not till they pop I won't make that mistake again if you can get your humidity at 50% you should be able to get vegg and bloom with no problems it works for me.
Going cold turkey is no fun I guess I had not smoked for 18 years so the last 2 months are new to me I know it helps greatly with my nerves and nausea.
You will get it together I'm going to start staggering my grows rather then all at once I believe it will work out better.
If I can help you I'd love to but I don't know much here to learn have studied for a year I should not have waited you really don't learn until you do it.

So true YardDog, you sorta have to kill some plants to figure out how to make keep them alive. As frustrating as it is.. I am tinkering now trying to figure out a way to keep humidity at 50, but until I can figure it out I am just letting this AH Auto keep the room to herself.

Start the seeds in the kitchen or an airing cupboard then when you transfer to the final pot don't water the whole pot just the area where the root is and gradually give more. Below the leaves till they reach the edges works as a rule of thumb. Big and small plants like 40° + for vegging, less is better for buds so flowering nearer the fan, oh and shoe boxes etc for plant stands to help balance height to light. Just my tuppenceworth :)

Thanks Phlem, some solid advice!
This Is the plant sept 4. This is the Start of Week 7. There is some slight moldy smell on the oldest bud sites. Looking through I can't find any mold. Just gone wait it out Tent is now max 45% RH as all other plants have failed to grow/died that I was trying to germinate in the tent with this flowering girl. Humidity goes as low as 30%. Hoping I haven't ruined her with high humidity!

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Hey guys, update and pics for today. She is starting week 8 tomorrow. The low RH has really made the moldy smell disappear and now I am smelling only a wonderful aroma of spicy sweet. It looks like the buds are starting to fill in.

Meanwhile I am less frustrated with this grow. I talked the wife into breaking my promise of not going to the store and spending more money on flowers after spending all this money on a grow setup. She saw my stress levels and it was a no brainer. I think what did it was last week she walked in to my office and rather than listening to hendrix and playing along on my strat I was on the floor just sorta sobbing listening to Bold as love on repeat. She rolled her eyes and said "oh my god just go buy some weed". 7 grams of OG kush and life is good now! If anyone is ever in denver I highly suggest a store called The Green Solution. My fav so far.

Enough about me. Look at these pictures! I Hope all these little buds in the middle add some weight. So far the old, outside, bud sites are doing most of the work. This plant is not very smelly unless you get in the same room with it, and even then its kinda weak. Nice, but weak.

Are these pollen sacks forming at all the lower nodes (Is this a hermie?)? Or new pre-flower sites? Is this normal at week 8? I just noticed these little "balls"



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Can only add 15 photos per post, this is a second post to include the rest of the pics. I am just feeding her. All tie down stopped a little over a week ago. I have removed all the ties and letting her live. Just tucking leaves when I can. I'd sure like to get rid of some of them but I am remaining restrained.

Anything I should be doing besides feeding? I am worried about light bleaching. Anyone have some real-life experience with the galaxyhydo 3W*100 , 9 band series? Light is 11 inches from the tallest bud tops. The tall buds are on the outside of the light though, not directly under it. The middle of the plant, which is about 14-15 inches from the light AND directly under the light, appears to have a light green/lightly-more-yellow hue to the middle of the leaves..maybe I am burning stuff but since my buds are all white anyway I just am not able to see it yet on the taller buds? I don't know, maybe someone with a good eye can see.
