Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
How the heck can I stagger a grow so there is 2 plants a month old when I start another two and put them in the same tent? It seems like you have to adjust everything somehow so that it creates two different environments in the same place so all plants are happy...there is RH, light distance (when you only have one light source in the tent to begin with), etc etc that must be balanced I guess. I don't know how others accomplish this. Any pointers?
I just did what you did and I know I killed 7 seedling's my humidity got up to 88% for 6 hours because I did same thing those pots don't need to go in for days at least not till they pop I won't make that mistake again if you can get your humidity at 50% you should be able to get vegg and bloom with no problems it works for me.
Going cold turkey is no fun I guess I had not smoked for 18 years so the last 2 months are new to me I know it helps greatly with my nerves and nausea.
You will get it together I'm going to start staggering my grows rather then all at once I believe it will work out better.
If I can help you I'd love to but I don't know much here to learn have studied for a year I should not have waited you really don't learn until you do it.
Start the seeds in the kitchen or an airing cupboard then when you transfer to the final pot don't water the whole pot just the area where the root is and gradually give more. Below the leaves till they reach the edges works as a rule of thumb. Big and small plants like 40° + for vegging, less is better for buds so flowering nearer the fan, oh and shoe boxes etc for plant stands to help balance height to light. Just my tuppenceworth![]()