Indoor Amnesia auto fem by Canuk Seeds

Day 30, quick peek at lights on :biggrin:

Day 30 The Girls 24 Sept.jpg

Really great diary, juist caught up, i think the room is genius - quick question, why do you use foil instead of Mylar for flat white?
Also surprised to see the suto do so well under 12/12 lights
Really great diary, juist caught up, i think the room is genius - quick question, why do you use foil instead of Mylar for flat white?
Also surprised to see the suto do so well under 12/12 lights
Thank you !

Used foil because I had some on hand :biggrin:

Seems to be working just fine. When I move the panels I'm amazed at how light they reflect...

Day 33 of flower, 83 total.

Really made the girls work for their water this time, three full days.

The Double Chocolate was the only one with droopy lower leaves :biggrin:

Amnesia auto went five days since last water. Foxtails or not I'm going to give her another week !

Green Crack and Amnesia @ 6g/4L of MaxiBloom, ppm of 900.

All the other girls @ 6g/4L of MC. Ppm of 930.

No More Bud Explosion, just don't like the look of the top sugar leaves. Reminds me of the badness when I fed BE too early last grow. A twisted canoeing kinda thingee !

Day 33 The Girls 27 Sept.jpg

Day 35, lower bud shots of the Amnesia Auto.

Starting to think I could have been more aggressive with feed on the Maxi girls.

The Amnesia's yellowing bottom leaves is progressing but at a slow rate. She is coming down in a week and it hasn't affected the buds, yet....

The Green Crack on the other hand has a couple of yellow leaves on the bottom per day. Maybe shade but I don't think so ?

She is @ 6g/4L of MaxiBloom, going to go up to 6.5g next feed and observe.

Her top sugar leaves look good but a little lower down there is a bit of a claw happening. She is almost due for water though...

The Durban Poison and Lambs Bread have not produced more than a couple of yellow leaves, right down to the bottom green as can be..

Except the Double Chocolate. She is the largest and most vigorous of the group and could use More :biggrin:

Their feeding schedule recommends 6.35g/4L week 5 to harvest, right about now !

Day 35  Flash 29 Sept.jpg

Day 35 Flash crop  29 Sept.jpg

Day 39, so far so good :cooldance:

The Amnesia Auto is on her final droughting, chop in two days I think.

Half is going to a friend with a Harvest Right machine :thumbsup:

We plan to test the dry product and also rehydrate first to ambient humidity which is currently 50% and then possibly 58% !

The increase in feed to 6.5g/4l of MaxiBloom appears to have put a stop to the slight yellowing of the bottom leaves on the Green Crack !

Durban Poison, Lambs Bread and Double Chocolate seem to have tolerated an increase to 6.5g/4l of MC but two days is a bit early to tell.

They will get fed again tomorrow, shy of three days.

So far I don't seen any issues with withholding feeding until just before they really need it.

Growth is vigorous and healthy with nicely praying leaves and no signs of deficiencies.

Day 39 The Girls 1 Oct.jpg
