Amazing Cross: AK Berry!

Hey Alaskan1, how's the breeding coming along? Your plant/bud looks and sounds amazing. I also grow and breed with LowLife auto genetics. I bought their auto AK47 X Hindu Kush F1's sometime between 2007/2009 and have breeding with them since. I have the inbred line that I still work with, and have made many different auto lines/crosses useing it. Your the first and only other person that I've seen that still has and grows their genetics. I believe they where from Hollind but not in business anymore. Super cool man I'm very interested in you doing this, please update!!!!!!!!
Hey Alaskan1, how's the breeding coming along? Your plant/bud looks and sounds amazing. I also grow and breed with LowLife auto genetics. I bought their auto AK47 X Hindu Kush F1's sometime between 2007/2009 and have breeding with them since. I have the inbred line that I still work with, and have made many different auto lines/crosses useing it. Your the first and only other person that I've seen that still has and grows their genetics. I believe they where from Hollind but not in business anymore. Super cool man I'm very interested in you doing this, please update!!!!!!!!

Hey Sundog,
I'm glad for your interest. Lowlife is out of business? I had no idea. The Lowlife AK47 was the third strain I ever grew, and quite an awesome plant. With almost no care, it grows healthy, and doesn't suffer from deficiencies like some strains tend to do. The high was okay, but honestly nothing super-great, as I recall, buds not too dense, but okay. Stinky plant, but not in a bad way.

The first strain I ever grew was DutchBreed Lowberry. It was small, grew well, but the bud a bit fluffy, and the smell only a bit like berries. High was fairly strong.

But when I crossed the AK47 and the Lowberry: AMAZING! Larger plants than both. Beautiful purple color! Solid, hard buds. Double the yield (over 2 ounces per plant, not really trying), the bud-to-leaf ration was huge, and the smell..... there is nothing like it! No kidding, this plant makes the whole house smell like a bowl of sugar cereal. Harvest day was crazy. You could smell berries outside across the street. The high is extremely buzzy. Like a massage!

I plan to start more breeding with these this summer. I can't wait!
10 weeks 008.JPG
AK Berry.JPG
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Hey Sundog,
I'm glad for your interest. Lowlife is out of business? I had no idea. The Lowlife AK47 was the third strain I ever grew, and quite an awesome plant. With almost no care, it grows healthy, and doesn't suffer from deficiencies like some strains tend to do. The high was okay, but honestly nothing super-great, as I recall, buds not too dense, but okay. Stinky plant, but not in a bad way.

The first strain I ever grew was DutchBreed Lowberry. It was small, grew well, but the bud a bit fluffy, and the smell only a bit like berries. High was fairly strong.

But when I crossed the AK47 and the Lowberry: AMAZING! Larger plants than both. Beautiful purple color! Solid, hard buds. Double the yield (over 2 ounces per plant, not really trying), the bud-to-leaf ration was huge, and the smell..... there is nothing like it! No kidding, this plant makes the whole house smell like a bowl of sugar cereal. Harvest day was crazy. You could smell berries outside across the street. The high is extremely buzzy. Like a massage!

I plan to start more breeding with these this summer. I can't wait!View attachment 880615 View attachment 880616

Great looking/sounding plant for sure man! I've searched the net for LowLife seeds and I'm pretty sure their out of business. Don't know much about DutchBreed. from what I gather both companies used JointDoctor's Lowrider for their auto genes. I'll be watching to see how your breeding goes, I'm probably just as excited as you! Lol can't wait.