Am I Wasting My Time - AutoFlowers on 12/12


Old Sailor with a new hobby!
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My own shit, thanks to places like this!
Before I set up my scenario, do realize that maximum yield is not my main decider.

Ok, here's the deal. I am testing mystery seeds for Irie Genetics (regular seeds) and 2 of 5 were sex-tested as males. They were immediately pulled.

Now, I have 2 empty pots. I would like to throw in some auto flowers and run them for 8 - 10 weeks, while my regulars flower out.

Once I pull the regulars, I have no problem running 24/0 to finish out.

Has anyone tried this? Will there be any yield by doing this?

I have an abundance of seeds, so I am OK experimenting like this, but I would like a little payoff.
Before I set up my scenario, do realize that maximum yield is not my main decider.

Ok, here's the deal. I am testing mystery seeds for Irie Genetics (regular seeds) and 2 of 5 were sex-tested as males. They were immediately pulled.

Now, I have 2 empty pots. I would like to throw in some auto flowers and run them for 8 - 10 weeks, while my regulars flower out.

Once I pull the regulars, I have no problem running 24/0 to finish out.

Has anyone tried this? Will there be any yield by doing this?

I have an abundance of seeds, so I am OK experimenting like this, but I would like a little payoff.
I recently finished a banana blaze auto for last four weeks on 12\12 because i fliped my photos, i would say it might add a couple weeks to them finishing but end bud was fine and was not a bad smoke :pass:
@ExNavyInSTL The quality of your light fixtures and their ability to provide at least 32 DLI in 12 hours will determine the outcome here. Autos need about that amount of light to flourish. Many light fixtures can do that today. I have done what you want to do and the plants and yeild were normal. So carry on!
Since I've run 12/12 on autos for bout 20 yrs, I can give a little input. When I discovered autos way back when, I just threw some in a friends 'winter flower room' that ran 12/12 under a couple 1000w hps. When I started dedicating grow to autos, it was just easy to keep doing it that way so I could grow photos alongside.
Sure, I've looked at #### many times since I have to KNOW numbers to justify expenses of any protocol. I found that the increase in yeild does not equal the increase in total cost. Same with other angle, Loss of yeild is far less in % than cost decrease. Potency is not affected if environmental parameters are maintained.
That being said, growing perpetually, I haven't missed a gram.
Since I've run 12/12 on autos for bout 20 yrs, I can give a little input. When I discovered autos way back when, I just threw some in a friends 'winter flower room' that ran 12/12 under a couple 1000w hps. When I started dedicating grow to autos, it was just easy to keep doing it that way so I could grow photos alongside.
Sure, I've looked at #### many times since I have to KNOW numbers to justify expenses of any protocol. I found that the increase in yeild does not equal the increase in total cost. Same with other angle, Loss of yeild is far less in % than cost decrease. Potency is not affected if environmental parameters are maintained.
That being said, growing perpetually, I haven't missed a gram.
With the cost of electric now think 12/12 is going to be a lot of people’s preference what you said makes sense and being able to grow photoperiod and autos together is appealing I’m running an auto tent and a auto and vegging photoperiods tent and need to cut bk cost of electric from Friday evening at 5 till 11am Monday was £42 with other things running to but no way I can keep that up, think this will knock on effect to more expensive weed
This past grow I added a second Mars Hydro SP-3000. I'm pretty confident I can hit 31 DLI. I'm about to run 40 DLI on the photoperiods in flower. I'll try to slide the lights so that it knocks off a little while they are youngsters

@ExNavyInSTL The quality of your light fixtures and their ability to provide at least 32 DLI in 12 hours will determine the outcome here. Autos need about that amount of light to flourish. Many light fixtures can do that today. I have done what you want to do and the plants and yeild were normal. So carry on!
This past grow I added a second Mars Hydro SP-3000. I'm pretty confident I can hit 31 DLI. I'm about to run 40 DLI on the photoperiods in flower. I'll try to slide the lights so that it knocks off a little while they are youngsters
32 DLI is just the minimum, you can use all the way up to 60 but really anything over 50 is a waste of energy. 40 DLI will be fine!
Before I set up my scenario, do realize that maximum yield is not my main decider.

Ok, here's the deal. I am testing mystery seeds for Irie Genetics (regular seeds) and 2 of 5 were sex-tested as males. They were immediately pulled.

Now, I have 2 empty pots. I would like to throw in some auto flowers and run them for 8 - 10 weeks, while my regulars flower out.

Once I pull the regulars, I have no problem running 24/0 to finish out.

Has anyone tried this? Will there be any yield by doing this?

I have an abundance of seeds, so I am OK experimenting like this, but I would like a little payoff.
Your yield will be affected big time I thought that's why everybody grows, for the yield