Am I ok?

Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hydro Grows

First time gow- LED DWC Autoflower Jack Herer GHS

Your Equipment:
A) LED 280 w total from wall (mars + noname)
B) Distance from tops - 18 inches- 45 cm
Growlab gl 60, silent td 160, passive intake + fan
Standart 20 liter dwc
Temp Ait 26 C, temp solution 23 C

Your nutrients and water:
H) Tap water
I) Nutes GHE- now on 1.3 ec
PH is 6.0 to 6.5
L) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? 23 C
M) PPM raises a bit
N) Ph stable using buffering ph down
P) How often do you replace reservoir water/nutes? Once per 10 days or so

Roots - white look healthy and very strong
Did light LST

Your strain:
U) Stran Jack Herer Auto GHS

On photo to front is Jack and ak47 i 24 days old in the back.
The plant is 46 days old, very bushy, hight under 25 cm.
My concerns are
1) Why it does not grow upwards? Maybe i kept led too close in veg couple of weeks(about 30 cm). Was giving about 1.7 ec bloom when first saw pistol (prewlower), but then lowered to 1.3 EC
2) Main questions- Why pre flower s so late and so long, I saw first pistols 2 weeks ago swithed to flower nutes, but cant see any flowers forming as in other grow reports. What I do wrong? Maybe give it couple of 12/12 days?
_C241062.JPG _C241058.JPG _C241063.JPG _C241064.JPG _C241065.JPG _C241069.JPG
3) Leafs shows some nute burn. Is it saul bulup? Changed nutes about week ago. Drinks about 3 liters per day. What need fixing? Maybe to keep it day or 2 in clean phed water with no nutes?
4) Ovaral is my plant healthy I see a lot of flowers forming, but because of compact size and so mane leafs many of them are inside and dont get any light, I try ti put fan leaves inside but new onec grow so fast. Romove fan leaves?

Is my plant ok? really worry, it takes to fllower so long. Or am I ok and just need to wait cause of sativa in Jack?
not sure if its much use to you as I'm struggling with coco grow atm but what I have read about DWC is for flowering PH should be between 5.7-5.9 but its only what ive read I'm sure someone with a lot more experience than me will help you just take a day or two for the right people to reply.

sorry I cant be no more help I will pm you the link I read that from.

Yes its burned a bit.
Looks like flower is coming and she will grow.
she may not be an auto if your at 46 days. Try cutting back your light.
Keep PH 6.2 and under with DWC

How do your roots look?