Live Stoner Chat Aloha from Colorado

Feb 28, 2013
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Aloha e AFN

Just signed up and look forward to sharing in the knowledge, here.

Turned on to the site by campo.

thanks for stopping by. Happy growin' and smooth tokin'! :toke:

a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN HKP, nice to have you to join our family of Breeders and Growers of Auto-flowering Cannabis. There is a New Growers Forum thread with all the help you need for a successful grow. Remember there is a wealth of knowledge in the stickies at the top of the pages as well as the Reference Links threads. The Site Terms Of Use is posted in the above sticky . Now join in and enjoy your new family of Growers and Friends.

Thanks for the warm welcome, TokeMyMeds!

Engaging info absorption mode! Lots to learn here!
Welcome brother!! Ya Ive been a member here for a very short time and Ive yet to touch on a third of this site at most.There is tons of knowedge here.Along with the totally awesome advise thats solid and sound,I yet to find anywhere else.Again Welcome and Happy growing bro! :group:

I remember pohaku means "rock" or stone... Kanaka is "native" (but in my day you got "dirty lickings" by looking at one Kanaka da wrong way!)... Am I close?
Welcome to the AFN and thank you for joining us. Feel free to ask questions and get involved. :D
'Ai, endive2. No look one Kanaka wrong, bumbye you get dirty lickings! Where in the islands did you live/visit?

Kanaka also just means "guy." Eh Kanaka, what you doing? Just add the He, which is a singular prefix and you get He(A) Kanaka(Guy) Pohaku(Stone). In hawaiian, the subject comes first, so in english we get - A Stone Man. However, Hawaiian is a language of double meanings and underlying poetic aphorisms. For me, we get One Stoned Guy :)


I remember pohaku means "rock" or stone... Kanaka is "native" (but in my day you got "dirty lickings" by looking at one Kanaka da wrong way!)... Am I close?


"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.
please read the site rules
Any question's feel free to ask, If I don't know the answer's, I can tell you who will..​
hey mate good to see you here Looking forward to seeing some cracking posts !!!!!! A great place to be