Indoor ALL ABOARD, the Atrain 420 EXPRESS!!!

Ok guys well the cheesus dragon is a boy so I cut that Lil basted down. Hopefully next time I can get a female.

My feeds have been changed to 3ml/L grow / micro / bloom, 2ml/L over drive (sour cracks) 2ml/L big bud (spanish D), and 2ml/L B52 as well as 2.3ml/L cal mag plus

The dragon being a boy and being taken out means the Spanish D will have room to thrive hopefully. I placed a few straps on her today to begin opening her up and utilizing extra space

Ok guys nothing really to update they ate just flowering, looking great still.

I'm bored but I did use a new product I won in a contest with my last haze plant today. The products are from Sierra natural science and we're mostly to do with pest control. I have been lucky enough so far I have had 0 pest in my indoor grow room but many of you assisted with my abandoned organic journal that I turned over to my wife. Her plants are looking great except the tomatoes my daughter ripped up but we replanted and there off to a great start. She was experiencing a few pest problems on her bergundy okra so I got out the pest control from SNS.

I used these on the affected undersides of the leaves as an all natural pest control and WOW. Within seconds no more movement from aphids or ants. They were completely irraticated. If anyone has a bug problem with outdoor cannabis I reccomended giving this all natural option a try.


Habanero.... 90 days to harvest
good tip Doc. I'll have to get some for the veggie garden. with all the rain we've been getting, the bugs seem thicker this year.probably the rain washing away the we've been using