Indoor ALL ABOARD, the Atrain 420 EXPRESS!!!

Things are starting to heat up on the A train express. Looks like the diesel is starting to get dialed in on food bit the SC 1 and 2 look like they can take a bit more.

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THe diesel definitely picked up in vigor. It looking nice my friend. I just hate when leaves decide to do stuff like that. It always throws my confidence off for a minute about the plants health.
I agree with your statement about the SC's.

Cheers my friend. =)
Second look at the pics. I was thinking they were hungry for a little more N, but Im not sure. It kind of looks like it might be getting magnesium deficient. Maybe a little epsom salts to see how they respond?
I upped there feed to 3ml/L grow / micro / bloom and left the voodoo juice, B 52 @ 2ml/L . I'm gonna see how they react if they don't green up a little more I'll ad a little cal mag plus to the mix.

I wasn't expecting to start the cal mag til pretty flower but we'll see.
Watered this morning just before lights out. Day 19 and I have moved to 1.5ml/L grow / micro / bloom as well as 1ml/L vodoo juice and B 52.

If they look good on day 21 I'll go to 2ml/L across the boardView attachment 455702
Personaly I have never gone above 1.5 ATRAIN or 1 mill of supplements and if you look at my grows the tips area always brown still running a little hot at 1.5 but I water every day day and half. That plant in my pic never went over 1.5 or 1 mill of supps. just to let you lnow. I use pro cal which has a relatively high npk at day 30 I add the cal magand being that I grow under led so far i have needed it everytime
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I use sunshinemixnumber4 or promix hp if i need to use BX i add two generous cups of perlite to 10 gallons 20liters of pro mix bx I add nothing I start feeding 500 mills of water a day until day 10 then I feed 1mill of ph perfect and voo doo juice then move up from there
Well I already mixed for the sour cracks so I would hate to dilute or waste. I am staying @ 1.5 or two with the Spanish diesel she greener up to what I was looking for after the last feed. I really appreciate the input here bud but I think I'm gonna feed them the 3ml/L and see where they go. Stay with me on this one if they love it well we will know the SC can takes some nutes if they start to burn a little I'll plain water then dial back the next feed.
Here's a pic of her today. And the one below her is the Spanish D. The D was a little pale til I upped her to 2ml/L and I would like the SC to be a little more the color of the D. And the bottom pic is of a baby cheesus dragon. She (hopefully a girl ) is already @ 1ml/L across the board, but I am starting to worry I'm getting a little too ambitious now.

Anyone else with an opinion here is more than welcome to chime in all views are appreciated here

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