Indoor Alan Smithee has a two part question: Happy Frog and Smart Pots

My first auto grow i used happy frog and had some low ph issues,unfortunately didn't find out until after they were a few weeks old and having troubles. Ph out of the bag was 4.5,had to add some floured dolomite to get it up but it was too late for the plant and stunted it. Switched out to ffof next round but check every bag you get as sometimes its all over the place. the last 6 bags i bought i musta hit the fox farms lotto as all 6 bags were in the 6.2 -6.4 ph range.
Since you've already bought it, I wouldn't let all this scare you too much. I hear story after story, some from credible sources, about FF and their pH problems. Before I converted to completely organic, I used both with excellent results. BTW, I have been on other grow sites that had a generally very high opinion of Fox Farm mixes.

Happy Frog already has myco's and humic acid, so you won't need to add any.

Don't put any lime in your mix unless you study first so that you aren't just wasting your time. For one thing, it takes two-three weeks for lime to adjust the pH and if you don't know how much you should add... well, that's just not a smart thing to do.

All that said, there are some mix suggestions in the organic forum you might want to check out before you get another bag. Also, as a new grower, you may be able to benefit greatly by using the method Muddy and Jackal are teaching people, with great results... Muddy and Jackal are good friends to have when you're just getting started growing... it is their passion. :peace:
No matter what you use its always wise to check your actual soil ph out of the bag,that way you know what you got from the start and can fix it if necessary BEFORE you have a problem. I like the foxfarms ffof soil,i may have just got 2 bad bags of hf and it made me gunshy.
Thanks fullauto and Joe Dirt. Right, I have learned the hard way too many times now about pre checking PH.