AK 47 Day 60

They’re gonna end up with bud rot if they haven’t already. Most of your dead leaves have curled into the buds because you have not maintained them. Not to mention, you need fan leaves to turn the light into energy. It still has a while left, but I believe you will end up with bud rott

I don’t believe but rot is the issue here. Bud rot comes from mismanaged humidity levels in general. Those curled dead leaf tips are a dead giveaway that the plant has been over fed. If the OP had followed my original advice it might have turned out ok. As it is that plant is so full of excessive nutrients it will probably never finish ripening and the flowers it does produce will smoke very harsh and have low potency.

Get an EC meter and spend some time really understanding your nutrient inputs. Marijuana is not really a heavy feeding plant, it just needs the right amount all the time, more is almost never better.

Every problem you had with this plant came from giving it too much. Take that into consideration before you try again.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but the only good that can come out of that plant are some lessons learned at this point.

good luck with the next grow!
I don’t believe but rot is the issue here. Bud rot comes from mismanaged humidity levels in general. Those curled dead leaf tips are a dead giveaway that the plant has been over fed. If the OP had followed my original advice it might have turned out ok. As it is that plant is so full of excessive nutrients it will probably never finish ripening and the flowers it does produce will smoke very harsh and have low potency.

Get an EC meter and spend some time really understanding your nutrient inputs. Marijuana is not really a heavy feeding plant, it just needs the right amount all the time, more is almost never better.

Every problem you had with this plant came from giving it too much. Take that into consideration before you try again.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but the only good that can come out of that plant are some lessons learned at this point.

good luck with the next grow!

When bud rot happens, the leaves begin to die and curl up. Trust me, I’ve had bud rott before from curled in dead leaves and good RH levels. At best, the plant will taste harsh as hell from the dead matter inside the buds. May not have rotted yet, but I have a feeling it will soon enough. I’m aware it’s been over fertilised, but those dead leaves should have been snipped long ago. They bring insects into your buds, harsh/bad tasting buds, and dead things bring mold. Especially when it’s curled up inside a wet bud
Thanks for the response. It can be a little confusing as there is so much conflicting info available. There’s 272 responses on a thread about the myth of flushing with information on both sides lol. Some that think FFOF is the cat’s meow and others not recommending it and the list continues. Couple that with individuals experience, budget and local factors and holy smokes lol.

I looked today online at bud rot sites and examined the plant at 60x. The leaves brown and curling don’t go into the buds, inside the buds, the leaves are green. Stems inside were green and it all looked good. I didn’t see any webbing, powder, slime or brown spots in the bud. They felt airy and I checked in many places on that plant and a second plant the is almost done. The top cola and branch I broke have been drying for 5-6 days in a separate room that is dark, rarely entered, 65f, 50 RH. I have a fan going in that room.

Especially on that plant in this thread, the problems were many and it received more nutrients. I tested the water and runoff on that plant and another almost done. The other plant had less problems and received less nutrients.
Water in is ph 6.4, 80 ppm, 165 us/cm
runoff is ph 5.7, 436 ppm and 1038 us/cm
2nd plant 6.0, 393ppm, 836 us/cm
I feel ya man, there is a lot of conflicting info available. Many people giving advice often don’t properly consider the situation of the OP, and context and experience are absolute factors in growing.

Fox Farm soils are a good example of this in general. They can be used to great effect, but they are mixed a little hot and starting plants from seed in them can be a challenge. They also don’t drain very well so water management is also a big consideration for the first 3-4 weeks as the roots are getting established.

When starting your plant in its final container I prefer to opt for a less amended soil that will give me more control over my nutrients during those crucial early weeks.

There is also an ability to do real time diagnosis of issues that only comes from years of experience. So many issues look so similar, and advice is all over the place. I have been growing on and off for the last 15 years and now when things get a little off the rails I am almost always able to diagnose and solve the problem on the first try. Find a few growers with active grow journals and follow them. You will get better information that way than crowd sourcing answers.

Check out this short post by Autobeast:

He keeps it really simple, but it is a great templet for a successful auto grow.

good luck!
Thanks I’ll check out that thread. My 3rd Ak47 is on week 4-5. It’s been doing better and is in a fabric pot. I got some Happy Frog in this week and will check out the bio biz light mix.