AK 47 Day 60

Sep 5, 2021
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Back story. This plant was stunted for weeks. Lot of mistakes were down stressing the plant. At day 32 I transplanted it into a 3 gallon with FFOF with 30% Perlite mix. 24/7 light in a 4x2 tent under a 100w led light. 1 other plant in the tent which has a separate 100w led. A couple of weeks later the plant was taking off. All was going well until 12-13 days ago when the leaves started dropping. Same thing happened to the other plant which share the tent.
I made several changes at the time. First I discovered my well PH was 8.7 I switch to distilled water until my PH Down arrived. I added a humidifier to bring humidity up to around 60. Temperature ranges 72-79F. I added a teaspoon of Flower Girl and roughly 2 inches of FFOF.
Since the plant was about 3 weeks behind in growth this is just a learning experience. I’m not expecting much in the way of a yield. The plant is having a deficiency but I’m not sure of what. Was thinking magnesium. I can order cal mag and today I got in the trio of Fox Farm nutrients Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. Also should I trim off yellow leaves?
The first picture of the small plant is at 31 days to give you an idea of how far behind it was



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There in pretty rough shape. Remove the bad yellow leaves,feed her with flower nutes,calmag PH at 6.5 and hope for the best.
:vibe: A few people have found FFOF to be a little hot to start plants in (not sure what you actually started in before transplant). I use the HF myself and start em in their final pots. Had same ph problems with my water, mixed with mostly RO to get it in range. Other problem with well water is what else might be in it......mine is high in calcium (Florida, so it all filters through limestone) so I put the cal/mag on the shelf. Found 50 to 75% RO with 50 to 25% well worked best for me. Looks to me it has been a ph and lockout issue since started.....Only a suggestion mind you, but next go round try only using RO/disilled water, most nutrient brand blends have about all you need in them. And it's all a learning experiment, every day, every grow.
I also think it’s the FFOF, and that soil is hot for some super healthy plants, and if they are already having trouble it can make it worse. You shouldn’t need to add any nutrients to an auto in FFOH until flowering begins, so any fertilizer you added probably just made things worse. Plant looks burned and suffering from multiple lockouts. I would NOT remove any leaves right now, it will add stress, wait to see what recovers first. Water with only RO until you see some improvement, there is loads of calmag in FFOF, so don’t worry about that. In fact I wouldn’t even worry about ph adjusting the water, the FFOF is buffered RO will just take on the soil ph. One thing you could try is flushing a few gallons of RO through to remove the built up salts. Since you added 30% perilite there is no need to worry about getting water logged.

Testing the EC or PPM of your runoff would confirm the situation, but I am almost positive they are suffering from nutrient toxicity. I wouldn’t be surprised if your runoff was between 3.5-4 EC between the FFOH and all the added fertilizer.

In general I would really avoid FFOH. Try Roots, Biobizz or Promix for a more neutral medium that will give you more control.

happy growing!
I meant to include:
After you check your runoff ph, of course adjust it if it is out of whack, using unadjusted RO will just give you a good baseline. After a light flush water in some microbes to help get things going in the soil again.

good luck!
Namvet25 : I just got the Fox Farm nutrients in last night so I’ll add that at about 1/3 I’ll order some Cal Mag

I would strongly encourage you to not add more nutrients or calmag, that soil has plenty. Knowing your inputs and suggesting adding more nutrients is just bad advise, my opinion of course. But we really won’t know unless you can get some EC readings. More problems come from too much, especially in a heavily amended soil like FFOF. You seem to be stuck in the more is more mindset right now. Very often the best solution is less, and I think that is the path you should take currently.

good luck
I just wanted to update to show how the plant is now. 96 days.


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Make sure your soil ph and ec is near perfect before you start any plants.

I would also suggest only using soils that say their ph and it's optimal for cannabis or be prepared to make adjustments to the soil before planting anything. A lot of premix soils also use buffers that can 'run out' during your grow, then your ph will go out of range, something to be aware of and to check once in a while.

Testing run off for ph can be iffy, e.c. less iffy imo. Make sure soil has been moist for a while (hour or so), water slowly with minimal run off. Idealy find another method or mke sure you do it in a way that will yield the most accurate results.

Plants can look like yours for a lot of different reasons, usually ph, ec or over/under watering for me. Make sure everything in your medium is good for your plants, before starting plants and you should have a nice easy grow, with healthy plants.

I think you should only need one bottle of balanced nutes, start to finish. e.c. is only good if it's a well balanced ec (npk and micros).

healthy roots, healthy fruits
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I just wanted to update to show how the plant is now. 96 days.
They’re gonna end up with bud rot if they haven’t already. Most of your dead leaves have curled into the buds because you have not maintained them. Not to mention, you need fan leaves to turn the light into energy. It still has a while left, but I believe you will end up with bud rott