Old Reviews Airpot knock off Ultra Oxy Pot

I've used these recently and have switched back to fabric pots. I loved the thinking and design behind the shape of the pot, etc., which is why I tried them. I grow in amended coco, and usually use Gnat nix with my fabric pots, which really keeps the gnat population down to a minimum. The problem I have with these types of pots is that fungus gnats LOVE em! They may work for other styles of growing, IE coco with synthetics, but apperently my soil was too damn delicious to resist! I had em really bad until I harvested the plant I had in the air pot, then the population started dropping right away. I'm probably going to use the small ones (I bought about five of the small seedling air-pots with the black bottoms) outside this spring, at least then they'll have mother nature sending predators to balance things out.