AFN 2025 Trophies & Badges

Hi friends maybe it's a idea for a new badge or a trophy.
Document you grow from start to finish and make hash out of it the get the hash maker badge. Make rosin and get the rosin make badge maybe a badge for the cobs too.

I am not good in graphic I can only help with ideas.
Hi friends maybe it's a idea for a new badge or a trophy.
Document you grow from start to finish and make hash out of it the get the hash maker badge. Make rosin and get the rosin make badge maybe a badge for the cobs too.

I am not good in graphic I can only help with ideas.

No one here has to be a graphic designer or an artist, the ideas are the most important part!

Appreciate you tobe!
So here's where I'm at now definitely need some input feed back more ideas and filling the blanks :pass:

Are we doing badges and trophies?

That's what I need sir. The list.

I'll put everything in on the back-end, I just need help coming up with the stuff for the front end.

If you can come up with a table/spread (just like you had,) but with these things on it:

That would be stellar!
Hi friends maybe it's a idea for a new badge or a trophy.
Document you grow from start to finish and make hash out of it the get the hash maker badge. Make rosin and get the rosin make badge maybe a badge for the cobs too.

I am not good in graphic I can only help with ideas.
So many contests gets you a contender badge!
So many grow and shows gets you a tester badge! There can be bronze silver and gold versions of the trophies and or badges. Somebody recognized for helping the community with grow issues etc. and consistently gives good advice. helper badge! A badge to identify who new growers can go to for issues. Or a problem solver’s badge!
Maybe a photo badge. Complete a documented photo grow. Maybe different tiers of donations with different badges for each tier. Not sure if that was mentioned yet.