Grow Room Aerogarden Bounty. NL Autoflower. First time growing!

Great lil set up :thumbsup:
Yield :shrug: without something for scale. Half to an oz ish :coffee:
Scrog not as common as once was,favoured by single plant/big space growers.some have 2 nets a foot autos grow quick 4 strains,i favour natural growing.bit of leaf tucking,supercrop if needed.
Good luck n keep er lit
I think I’ll get more than that. Posted pics on my other thread.
Aerogarden's 1 gallon reservoir is unlikely to be able to support 3 plants of much size.
You'd be better off with a larger setup. I started off with a 13 gallon General Hydroponics Ecogrower.
They are likely to soon stop growing like crazy as the reservoir fills up with roots.
co2 doesn't help much unless the grow space is sealed to prevent it from escaping.
45 watts of light is inadequate, and they will soon need much more light, so consider hanging the 300 watt light soon.
You won't be able to get it as close to the plants as the weak 45 watt light.
SCROGing is unnecessary, and your leaf tucking works almost as well.
Chopping her down in the next few days. My other thread shows the end result

Aerogarden's 1 gallon reservoir is unlikely to be able to support 3 plants of much size.
You'd be better off with a larger setup. I started off with a 13 gallon General Hydroponics Ecogrower.
They are likely to soon stop growing like crazy as the reservoir fills up with roots.
co2 doesn't help much unless the grow space is sealed to prevent it from escaping.
45 watts of light is inadequate, and they will soon need much more light, so consider hanging the 300 watt light soon.
You won't be able to get it as close to the plants as the weak 45 watt light.
SCROGing is unnecessary, and your leaf tucking works almost as well.
have you ever seen aero garden results, yes the plants will be smaller and certainly wont yield as much but that light is capable of going start to finish and considering everything(size,light etc..)for what it does it is actually is quite impressive
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