Grow Room Aerogarden Bounty. NL Autoflower. First time growing!


Every sinners got a future every saints got a past
Sep 15, 2019
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My first growing experience. I did some research (a lot of research actually lol) and I decided to try the Aerogarden Bounty. It’s actually a drip down system which is similar to hydroponic growing. It has a 45 watt full spectrum light that can extend 24 inches. Iadded supplementary air to both sides of the aerogarden using a T-Valve along with air-stones. I made a grow box out of thick styrofoam insulation which I wrapped in foil. I made my own C02 dispenser. I have two fan creating a circle of air to ensure new air is being circulated. I used my essential oil water diffuser to incorporate moisture. I also have a very small heater fan. I check the pH daily and siphon out the nutes mixed with distilled water weekly and add fresh nutes and water. I had some cal-mag issues but caught it quickly by upping the ph and adding a little extra of my cal-mag solution. I have been tucking the leaves and am debating using a scrog. Depending on how the growcontinues I may install my 300 watt full spectrum light if I’m not satisfied with the growth. TheseNL autos are growing like crazy. 17 days ago I planted the seed in my aerogarden and below are the pics of the 17th day. If all goes well and I don’t end up killing these babies my next step is a tent set up. I admit I have been babying these plants and everyday I’m reading up on something regarding growing so hopefully I get a good yield.

a better thread regarding this grow

What does everybody think my yield will be?


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Day 22


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Can anybody tell me how high my SCROG should be, when it should be put on, tips or tricks regarding this training method etc

I read 8 inches from the base of the grow pot. Seems a little short in my opinion. Also should I be pruning my NL after I place a SCROG? Will the SCROG work if I don’t top my plant? Is it too late to top my plants at 3 weeks old?

I’m enjoying this thus far so I’m definitely going to buy a tent. If I grew 4 autoflowers always using SCROG what size grow tent should Iinvest in? Would the 4” carbon filter be ok for the tent size I need? I already have a 300watt full spectrum LED light so will that be good enough for the tent size I need to grow my four plants?
My first growing experience. I did some research (a lot of research actually lol) and I decided to try the Aerogarden Bounty. It’s actually a drip down system which is similar to hydroponic growing. It has a 45 watt full spectrum light that can extend 24 inches. Iadded supplementary air to both sides of the aerogarden using a T-Valve along with air-stones. I made a grow box out of thick styrofoam insulation which I wrapped in foil. I made my own C02 dispenser. I have two fan creating a circle of air to ensure new air is being circulated. I used my essential oil water diffuser to incorporate moisture. I also have a very small heater fan. I check the pH daily and siphon out the nutes mixed with distilled water weekly and add fresh nutes and water. I had some cal-mag issues but caught it quickly by upping the ph and adding a little extra of my cal-mag solution. I have been tucking the leaves and am debating using a scrog. Depending on how the growcontinues I may install my 300 watt full spectrum light if I’m not satisfied with the growth. TheseNL autos are growing like crazy. 17 days ago I planted the seed in my aerogarden and below are the pics of the 17th day. If all goes well and I don’t end up killing these babies my next step is a tent set up. I admit I have been babying these plants and everyday I’m reading up on something regarding growing so hopefully I get a good yield.
What does everybody think my yield will be?

Aerogarden's 1 gallon reservoir is unlikely to be able to support 3 plants of much size.
You'd be better off with a larger setup. I started off with a 13 gallon General Hydroponics Ecogrower.
They are likely to soon stop growing like crazy as the reservoir fills up with roots.
co2 doesn't help much unless the grow space is sealed to prevent it from escaping.
45 watts of light is inadequate, and they will soon need much more light, so consider hanging the 300 watt light soon.
You won't be able to get it as close to the plants as the weak 45 watt light.
SCROGing is unnecessary, and your leaf tucking works almost as well.
Great lil set up :thumbsup:
Yield :shrug: without something for scale. Half to an oz ish :coffee:
Scrog not as common as once was,favoured by single plant/big space growers.some have 2 nets a foot autos grow quick 4 strains,i favour natural growing.bit of leaf tucking,supercrop if needed.
Good luck n keep er lit
I have been preoccupied with life so I have not posted pics recently. My nl autos are 53 days old. Since this is my first time growing I have no idea if they are even looking healthy or doing what they should be doing at this point. I know I was advised not to do HST via all of the information I read but I did so anyways on the main cola of each plant. I also did LST and ALOT of leaf tucking lol. I trimmed the roots before flowering. Lollipopped a little too. I’m not sure if any of this stressed my plants or hindered their growth in any way so I’m hoping to get some input from the experienced growers here.


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(playz tag with gloria'z postz :smoking: ppp)
I have been preoccupied with life so I have not posted pics recently. My nl autos are 53 days old. Since this is my first time growing I have no idea if they are even looking healthy or doing what they should be doing at this point. I know I was advised not to do HST via all of the information I read but I did so anyways on the main cola of each plant. I also did LST and ALOT of leaf tucking lol. I trimmed the roots before flowering. Lollipopped a little too. I’m not sure if any of this stressed my plants or hindered their growth in any way so I’m hoping to get some input from the experienced growers here.
They look thirsty other then that stay the course.:welcome: