Outdoor Advice here would be appreciated!

Looked at the link, read product description and LAUGHED!
What every guerrilla grower should be wantin' unner their Christmas tree this year (-;

Haha for sure right? A few of these littered in the right area with some foul liquid just waiting...my favorite part will be when they go running off with burning moose piss in their eyes, and jump in their car to get the hell out of there(ultimately destroying the interior of the car). Win-Win!!
At the end of the day ask yourself if what you have invested in those plants is worth whatever you may decide to do.

Just make sure you think it over man..
What happens if something you or the rippers does makes the news? Then you have just gave the anti-cannabis people in your area exactly what they want, fuel for the fire..

I would try to take clones and then try to relocate.
Worst case they dont make it in a attempt to relocate to make sure no one could take advantage of them.
Because you know rippers always steal way too early before the girls are ready, so no sense trying to beat them to the harvest.

Also how many people do you think those guys have told?
That whole grow area may well be compromised if word gets around enough.

Let us know how it goes.:goodluck:
I'm already curious about the end of the story, we now have the good and the bad conciousness- its time to choose :toke:
I'm generally not a vindictive person, however, if I put a lot of effort into something like a solid plant, and some assholes decided it was time to mess with me, I'd definitely try to devise a non-lethal, yet effective way to keep those fuckers out.. Do you have a way to trench around the area and possibly hide the trench? I'm not talking pungy sticks or pits full of treachery, however, a good twisted ankle surprise will not kill anyone and may make them think twice about fucking with you.. Then again, so with a paintball gun filled with frozen paintballs; non-lethal and painful.. A few welts may make them think otherwise, however you'd have to be nearby to really know when they're coming..

Whatever you choose, a lot of these guys make great points and you don't want to attract additional undue attention, especially if growing in your hemisphere is verboten.. There must be some other ideas that folks can throw out.. Hell, even if you could come up with a wireless flood light that is literally blinding, they would think that you're nearby and may run/scatter.. Just make sure to move it every day or every time you go out there, in the event they come back a couple times.. A very bright, motion-sensitive light coming on when dicks are trying to snatch your stuff may make them run without thinking twice about coming back.. Another thing that might work is using deer piss, and hope that coyotes/wolves/predators come nearby.. They won't mess with your crop, and could sway their decision..

Best of luck and hopefully it's not so bad that I hear about it here on the east coast of the U.S.!!!!!
I'm generally not a vindictive person, however, if I put a lot of effort into something like a solid plant, and some assholes decided it was time to mess with me, I'd definitely try to devise a non-lethal, yet effective way to keep those fuckers out.. Do you have a way to trench around the area and possibly hide the trench? I'm not talking pungy sticks or pits full of treachery, however, a good twisted ankle surprise will not kill anyone and may make them think twice about fucking with you.. Then again, so with a paintball gun filled with frozen paintballs; non-lethal and painful.. A few welts may make them think otherwise, however you'd have to be nearby to really know when they're coming..

Whatever you choose, a lot of these guys make great points and you don't want to attract additional undue attention, especially if growing in your hemisphere is verboten.. There must be some other ideas that folks can throw out.. Hell, even if you could come up with a wireless flood light that is literally blinding, they would think that you're nearby and may run/scatter.. Just make sure to move it every day or every time you go out there, in the event they come back a couple times.. A very bright, motion-sensitive light coming on when dicks are trying to snatch your stuff may make them run without thinking twice about coming back.. Another thing that might work is using deer piss, and hope that coyotes/wolves/predators come nearby.. They won't mess with your crop, and could sway their decision..

Best of luck and hopefully it's not so bad that I hear about it here on the east coast of the U.S.!!!!!

Hopefully I didn't put it out the wrong way...don't get me wrong, I would fight to the death for any one of my plants, and I have a funny feeling that the thieves wouldn't be so decicated. BTW the paint they currently use for paintballs doesn't freeze(or at least that's what I found out when researching it)...you can buy resin paintballs though that will change the name to "painball".
Naah, I definitely understood what you're saying, and unfortunately, some people would be impulsive, but I can't completely blame them if they went full-Braveheart and started screaming "FREEEEEEEDOM!" lol I was unaware that the new paintballs don't freeze like the old ones, however I was also unaware of the resin version, which is something I want to use on the goddamn woodchucks that keep killing my veggies/fruit plants!! I didn't want to kill them, but I want to fuck them up something fierce!!! Too bad they aren't as imposing as a human, whereas I wouldn't feel nearly as bad putting a few rounds of resin into their hydes to prove a point!!! lol