Outdoor Advice here would be appreciated!

Mar 8, 2016
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I have some Frisian Dew DP photos on the go but some local lads found them and said there going to take them when there flowering , so I am thinking maybe could I make some clones from them and move them to another spot ( the weather isn't the greatest right now I'm in Ireland) has anyone got experience in this kind of endeavor that could give me some pointers it would be greatly appreciated! I read that it's maybe too late because of the flowering hormones stopping root production but maybe some of you have had some success?
You can in fact take clones in all stages but if they already flowered you would have to put them under 24 h lighting until they go back to veg grow. Doesnt seem to be an Option since youre growing outdoor and your weather wouldnt Support that move. Put some nasty ass traps around it or get a Baseball bat would be the best Option in my eyes- do you know those People? Put up a deer cam in a hidden Position best up a tree so u can check what happened when you where gone.
Peace and good look!
You can in fact take clones in all stages but if they already flowered you would have to put them under 24 h lighting until they go back to veg grow. Doesnt seem to be an Option since youre growing outdoor and your weather wouldnt Support that move. Put some nasty ass traps around it or get a Baseball bat would be the best Option in my eyes- do you know those People? Put up a deer cam in a hidden Position best up a tree so u can check what happened when you where gone.
Peace and good look!
Guess I will have to watch Rambo first blood for some inspiration... If I can't clone ,then a cam will have to be got. And a trip to the local sports shop haha
All good points so far...the main question you have to ask yourself is "How far do I want to take protecting the plants". How far is too far? I suppose ultimately it depends on the plants themselves. Don't risk your own life/health(or potentially take the lives of others) for a half a pound of pot.
I deal with thieves and have many "deterrants" which include paintball mines filled with moose piss, motion sensors, trail cameras. But would I step up the traps to death dealing, or severely maiming the thieves? No I personally would not.

I think you would have a really hard time pulling and rooting clones outdoors, in fact without the clones reverting back to veg, it would be a rather futile attempt.
Depending on the size of the plant a relocation might be possible, but the chance of it happening without shock is really low.
@Vas Deferans - And if they say screw you, or try to rush you, or pull out some guns of their own? That what I was saying earlier...how far is too far?

@olderthandirt - I bought a simulator mine...they are just as real and safe as a real mine.(trust me you don't want a misfire if you are using nasty stuff like moose piss) There is some DIY mines on the net, that I saw. You can fill the mine with any viscous liquid. Tripwire activated and have a 30 foot range(hose you up to 20 feet) I bought mine second hand for $20 each.
Same mine I use: