Old Reviews Advanced Nutrients Which ones are relevant for autos?

Sep 6, 2011
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Been learning the trade for a year now and would like to spark some convo about nutrients and in particular AN. I started off using FF trio and was pulling a ~zip per/plant. I did see some salt build up after grows on my air pots. I then switched to AN pH perfect and a gang full of additives. It seems like i add a lot of the "extra" additives but i don't believe i am seeing any different results. It may be my fault or not i am just curious. What i do notice most of the time is that size of container pretty much increases or decreases my yields. I figured since Autos run a diff life cycle if maybe some of the additives are possibly irrelevant. I am trying to simplify my setup in order to save time. Right now i am using:
pH perfect grow+bloom, b52, rhino skin, final flush, over drive, big bud, wet betty, bud candy, carboload, piranha, voodoo juice.

I am curious if i may need to try a different additive that could take place of a couple of these. Im thinking i am going to swap to Great White with carboload. Possibly scrap all the adds and keep over drive. Just would like some thoughts trying to figure what works best for autos.
You could lose the wet betty for sure as ph perfect already has that added in.

The bud candy has tons of carbs etc so you could probably also cut out the carboload and the big bud

I'll let someone else chime in on the rest..lol
Here's what I use dude,I average 2oz per plant in 6L Airpots under LED
Im looking at using these too...

pH Perfect Sensi Grow + pH Perfect Connoissur with the Hobbyist Bundle.

In a custom Aeroponic Setup with LED's. How much should i change the mix or just run it as the Nutrient Calculator says? Thought about emailing them about it...

Any help would be AMAZING!!! ^_^
J Tang, what type and watt LED's do you use? And what whattage? At the moment im using Sensi A/B grow and bloom, Sensizym, Bud Candy, Botanicare Liquid Karma and Cal/Mag plus, and a local hydo shop silica boost (0-0-3), and superthrive. All under a Blackstar 240 (through veg and bloom), and a 150 Sun Systems HPS (added the past 2 weeks). These 2 plants are my first photos. I finished my first grow of 3 autos ONLY under the 150 HPS with mediocre results. Im researching into the maximum light i can get in my space (secret jardin DR90II) and still keep at a minimum
I grow both autos and non. For both I use Advanced Nutes Sensi Grow/Bloom, Big Bud, Bud Candy, then some Cal-Mag. All the companies sell so many supplements its silly so just sticking to those.

As for what I was pulling last batch of Autos were Afghan Kush Ryders grew them in 1 gallon airpots and both got to 28-30 inches and about 24 inches wide. I pulled about 2.5 ounces dry off one about 3 on the other. What changed? Going from Fox Farms to Advanced Nutes. Boosted my whole yields I was getting considerably.

Also grow under massive LED Panel. Solarstorm 800w 5 watt diodes.
Good to know i wanted to start off on the right foot ya know. ^_^ I placed my first order the other day so just wanting now. I got a AKR and PKR with a few others coming so thats good to know...

Already have a post on that thread Muddy still no answer.
Excellent advice here. I would say for sure not to cut the Big Bud (especially not for the reason that Bud Candy has carbs - Big Bud is NOT a carb additive). J TaNg's line up is a great model to follow IMHO.

I would just add, just in case anyone didn't know already, that it's not really that certain additives would be irrelevant with an autoflower strain. Rather it's just that the plants decide when to switch from veg to flower so you have to watch and switch your feeding to match.

But you can just follow the feeding chart and adjust what "week" you're at to match the plants rather than the other way around.
I was at the hydro shop the other day and i was asking about the bloombastic. The gentleman told.me if i want to run it with AN i should get rid of overdrive,bud candy, and big bud. Does this sound right