New Grower Advance Nutrients PH PERFCECT technology ????

Hey Peter, what's the starting PPM and pH of your water? If it's like >150 you could have problems. That's why they recommend using RO water for best results... with my RO water my res buffers to 5.7-5.9 every time. Also which pH perfects nutes are you using, the 2-part grow and bloom or the 3-part GMB? I use the 3-part and I know the order you add them in is very important (micro first, mix well... then the grow, then the bloom). There's no way you should be getting 4.5-5.5 if you're using them correctly... also have you calibrated your pH meter??
I thought the same thing Hecno so I wasn't checking soil PH. Ended up with PH lock out around day 25. My Promix soil ph had dropped to 5.2 and I had cal/mag locked out. I learned a valuable lesson on my first grow. Don't take anything for granted. I always check my soil ph before I feed/water now and adjust my feed/water accordingly. If anything it gives me peace of mind and it only takes an extra couple minutes.
Well I use sensi bloom A+B, big bud, overdrive ,rhino skin, bud candy
I really dont know the ppm nor how to calculate, and one last thing I add some drops of superthrive can this affect the ph
As long as you add the base nutes first then any supplements you add after shouldn't affect the pH. You can get cheap ppm meters off eBay/amazon... What I would suggest tho is buying a jug of RO or distilled water and see what pH you get after mixing nutes, if it's good with that then it's probably something with the rain water. "My 2 cents"
Well I guess Iwas a bit noob dump again and overprotecting I considered the phopsorous levels of Sensi Bloom to low considering the Nitrogen amount and I added some Bloom of General hydroponics which has no nitrogen at all, i guess that messed up the pH perfect thing
After adding nutes in tap water ph reading is 7 or above. After 2 mounths w/o checking ph, I wanted to see how soil ph is and... 6.5... I was amazed