Adjusting PH, Practically Speaking

Seachem Prime

This product will strip the iron, zinc, copper and other heavy metals that your plants need to grow - good for fish - bad for plants


PH up made with micronized limestone. Goes in and sticks around. Meant for exactly this.View attachment 1308836
This is perfect for soil!
Thanks, Arthur!

@Mañ'O'Green, I lied and have one follow-up question. On, they state in regard to growing in organic soil: "Using an inorganic pH adjuster (like the pH Up and Down that come with most pH adjustment kits, for example the General Hydroponics pH kit) may actually damage your microherd (beneficial bacteria) and can set your marijuana plants back as far as nutrient breakdown / absorption is concerned."

Have you found this to be true?
Yes and No! Remember you should not have to use PH buffers to any degree in proper soil. If you try to make a big adjustment of PH at one time the shock of that big change can kill microbes. PH is logarithmic so a 2 point change is huge and that will wreak havoc on your biome. Small changes .5 PH or less do not have such a dramatic effect. I have no way of testing the biome colony count so I cannot agree or disagree with the comment. I have not witnessed any ill effects that I can attribute to PH buffers?
Yes and No! Remember you should not have to use PH buffers to any degree in proper soil. If you try to make a big adjustment of PH at one time the shock of that big change can kill microbes. PH is logarithmic so a 2 point change is huge and that will wreak havoc on your biome. Small changes .5 PH or less do not have such a dramatic effect. I have no way of testing the biome colony count so I cannot agree or disagree with the comment. I have not witnessed any ill effects that I can attribute to PH buffers?
Thanks! Appreciate your input as always.