Adding FFOF to Great Lakes all in one…supplement nutes end of flower ?

Relying on them to grow through the drain holes ….
Drain holes aren’t good ?
Not saying it’s not good, as their is many ways to grow. I’ve seen people “stove pipe” solo cups but they cut out the bottom of the cup. I think @WildBill did this in the past. Perhaps he can shed some light on this.
Well it’s got to be better than atleast not doing it at all lol
Well it’s got to be better than atleast not doing it at all lol
Roots will seek out water, so an initial bottom watering will encourage Downward growth.

Good luck.
I did when I searched a lot of people said they just use tiger bloom only for flowering with ffoc I don’t wanna over do it and 1 part and 2 part ? Is that veg and flower I read on autos you only use bloom nutes fox farm has nutes til then and I went to there site it showed hydroponic soil 9-6-17 is this the site
MegaCrop has gone through a few iterations...was a 1 part dry mix then they separated some of the components and made it a 2 part system for better control I guess.