Lighting Яaspberry Cough fem (photo), DWC, 0.12m2, GN HS1+DIY 77W

Thanks guys for coming by :)
She's still small, i want her to take all bottom space before switching, also few more new branches to grow there. So i think another 10 days will be just perfect for that, also another defol may be done in 4-5 days, if needed, will see.
This is photo fem, so i can let her to grow into bush, capable to fill all available space with bud, target is at least 150 grams from it. Also i want her to grow huge root ball, this is key thing for good result. Except that stupid foliar nute burn earlier everything is going as planned :)
Here's my friend's plants - same RC and Jock Horror, he also used heavy defol in veg and vegged these almost for 2 months. BTW, this is under DIY lights - 25 lumiled's + 2*Osram Fluoras, it's almost 2 weeks in 12/12, just look ehat monsters they became :D
This reminds me, I need to go pickup some hooks for LST as well. It's looking so good over here.
Strawberry Cough 19 days and CBD Kush 22 days since helmet for me. :D
Bro, good luck with that LST, you will like that hook - pipe cleaner method i'm sure :D
Here goes another RC from my another friend, he also took method i have shown :) Asked him for photos to show you another mini monster plant grown with heavy defol :)
This is i do not know what week of flower, but buds started already to form well, so i suppose this will be good result too :) It's under CFL + my old chinese LEDs just for additional lighting :) Just look to this gorgeous plant :)It's soil + Canna.
Loving all your extra projects! A man after my own heart encouraging others. Respect
CBD Kush 22 days since helmet for me. :D

Bro you going to love the smell of that CBD Kush! That is my all time favourite when it comes to the smell. Sweet sweet candy!

@marimar what is the point on using lights from the bottom if the plant does photosynthesis only with the top of the leaves? The logic evades me. Looks cool but wouldnt it work better straigh sideways at least?
@Bunny Thanks bro :)
These both are the first time for these both guys :) Both of them have looked to my grows "live" for 3-4 cycles and finally decided to start making their own medicine too! I'm so glad to see that they have complete success at the first time already. ANd also there will be some nugs for me too, while my baby will be still in flower :D

@MedGrower bro, you just gave a good point here! I will tell him to hang these a bit higher :) Did not even thought about that :D
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Bro you going to love the smell of that CBD Kush! That is my all time favourite when it comes to the smell. Sweet sweet candy!

And the smoke.. Divine.
Thing is, it's also a very VERY thick plant. Previously, I grew it with a scrog, and the damn thing wouldnt bend without breaking to scrog. Now? It's about 15cm tall, and the biggest fan leaves have stems the size of a small pencil. 4 nodes!! FOUR!
This is probably the thickest Indica I've yet seen, that's for sure.
Anyhoo, got those hooks setup and the only pipecleaners I could find were... silver with some sparkly bits in 'em. Bling bling.
Here goes day 34 from helmet.

2 days ago gave another shower with tea 260ppm.
Yesterday filled up the tank with litre of fresh tea. Plant is eating now approx 300ml per day. Also 2 top leaves from central cola were removed again, it helps to keep center low.
Today some LST was made and i see that i will have soon to retrain plant, as it is getting rectangular shape and i think i will have to turn it 90' :D I think i will do that together with small defol in 3 days. Then another 5-7 days and i will switch it into the flowering.
Some leaf has 11 fingers on it, plant is showing good health ant that is good :)
Here's some data about everything:
PH ~6
PPM ~730
T' 20-21'
T' in the box 24-25 day 20-21 night
