A word of encouragement…


Cultivators Club
Nov 29, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Purple Kush, Sawney's Nugz
I know a lot of us are new(ish) growers here. And as new growers we make mistakes. Sometimes trying to grow can be very discouraging. Just like everything else, growing plants takes practice. If you have a failed grow or lose a few plants here and there don’t give up. Learn from the mistake and keep trying your best. I’m in a legal state and the dispo weed here is all dry and turns to dust in the grinder. Hurts your throat and lungs. What I grow is so tasty and smooth and doesn’t hurt. It’s totally worth the effort.

I chopped another plant tonight. Hanging whole to dry, she's runty. I think the buds will be airy and loose but have great color and aroma. If I let this plant dictate my growing future I probably wouldn't grow again. She had deficiencies from day 1 (bad soil) and never got taller than 7 inches. topped way to early. I'll probably get 10 grams off her if I'm lucky. But, she was a learning experience. She's the last of my (major) mistakes and I know it'll only get better from here.
She was sad her whole life. I had a bag of cheap "organic" soil I used for my peppers last Spring. The bag sat outside and when I brought it in to use it there was a really cool blue lizard in the bag so I took it back outside and dumped it and let the lizard live in my flower bed (happy little lizard grew so much over summer). This fall I scooped up what was left of the soil which was mostly peat and nothing else, baked it to kill anything bad, then used it for this plant. She really struggled. Needed tons of nutes and water several times a day. She made it through though. She was completely cloudy with a small amount of amber so it was time.
To add to this thread, I just watched 5 hours of youtube videos, all from the most popular autoflower youtubers. Wife passed out early... I just want to share a word of caution. Bro science is real. Not real science, just a real thing. I really think new growers should experiment and find out what works and what doesn't. There are very few hard fast rules when it comes to growing autos. I see these guys/girls doing videos on "is it ok to top an auto" then talk about their experiences, which have differed from mine. I see videos titled "is it ok to defoliate an autoflower" where they proceed to tell you how it's a bad idea because...... Just try it for yourself. Learn from your experiments. Don't let someone else tell you what works and what doesn't. I know these are popular subjects, a new thread pops up here everyday regarding these things. Don't overthink what you're doing. Just do it. If it doesn't turn out the way you want don't do it again your next grow.

The 3 things that I know for a fact will screw you are over watering, over feeding and being impatient. If you can avoid these things your grow will probably be a success.