Lighting A noob tries DWC - LED .many strains -in deep & sinking fast

Holy MAMOTH of a plant she's turning out to be! :drool:

How high is she, from the base of the stem to the top?
Holy MAMOTH of a plant she's turning out to be! :drool:

How high is she, from the base of the stem to the top?
Dunno mate ??? I'll ava butchers init ? get back to ya like:smokebuds:
5" off the the floor exactly groff :jump:Minus an oxypot (300mm?):buds:
Negreanu is a bit annoying at first, but he grows on 'ya! He's a cool cat. Is this your poker night dude? haha! You're all-in tonight :D

5 feet tall ?? thats about ...ooohhh...eerr... 1.524 meters! (thanks google 'ol chum)
Holy crap!! My AutoAmazar is wanting to get that high, me thinks!! Yeyy!!!

ps: Oh shit, my tent is only 1.8m, plus I lifted the pots... I take it back! Bushy as fuck and fat as a pig, thats what I want!
:rofl:Agreed mate ,but his skills are almost ESP :rofl:& I doubt he cares who thinks hes annoning !Multi million air n all,fukin Legend .:nightdrag:

About 1.2m of plant then Groff,:crack:..... 1.2 x 1.2 fits my 1.2 x 1.2 pretty neatly

Mazar is Still the most Indydom Dp strain ..... until indydomis realesed like :jump::jump::hump::ace:

I'm holding out for the PS4 !! Don't be doing that man!! I'm warning 'ya! :help:

Mmmmmm budporn looks good man! :grat::boob::bone: