Lighting A noob tries DWC - LED .many strains -in deep & sinking fast


Jul 1, 2012
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Finally going to start my 1st ever grow,grow journal !,it's probably not going to be pretty & im not 100 % sure im even ready for this or if i have the set up completly dialed in ?....but hey i think i will get a lot more help this way then tyring to suss it all out by reading everyone else's threads !,so here goes ...
OK the set up .... up untill a couple weeks ago i was using home made DWC resies & think this(among other things)has not helped me much so i got a couple oxypots about 2 weeks the mo i have 1 dinafem amnesia auto thats 2 weeks old + & looking very stunted (pics in next post as they screw up my post when i upload?),Shes under a 240w LED ina stealthcab i made myself from scrath thats 5' x 3' x 2' not very big for a DWC setup i know but its what i have for now... however i could make another small grow area if things start to go well as i have loads more LED lights & hope to get a rotation thing goin on where i start another bean about a month befour the 1st gets chopped , but this is way way down the line if i ever get there !
The nutes im using are ...

canna rhizotonic,
sensi cal/mg grow & bloom,
dutch masters silica,
canna aqua veg a&b,
canna aqua bloom a&b,
cannazym(if needed),
canna PK13-14,
& i may get some potash if recomended?.who knows !:booya:

I have been moochin about here on AFN for about 6months or so & have met some very nice people & made some friends too, who have all said they will help me here which im looking forward to cos i defo need some !( you will all be PM'ed about this new thread lol)..

OK im going to leave it there for my 1st post as i have tried to start a couple journals before & lost it all at the end for some idiotic reason or another,so this one will be copied before i click this time haha!..... but i will post some pics straight after & go into lots of detail about my journey into DWC so far tomorrow with lots more pics ect ect

:peace:AFN see ya in about 24hrs :jump:
Hey mate glad to see you decided get going again and start a journal.dwc is quite a tricky growing technique and for new growers soil is probably the easiest and most forgiving.but I'm sure we will be able to assist you mate,and there's some fine dwc growers here who can chip in :smokebuds: I'm gonna move this thread to the new growers section,muddy and joe dirt are the mods for that section,there top guys :thumbs:
Hey mate glad to see you decided get going again and start a journal.dwc is quite a tricky growing technique and for new growers soil is probably the easiest and most forgiving.but I'm sure we will be able to assist you mate,and there's some fine dwc growers here who can chip in :smokebuds: I'm gonna move this thread to the new growers section,muddy and joe dirt are the mods for that section,there top guys :thumbs:

Hey Red eyed c ,thanks for lookin in so quick mate ! it was our yap in the chat box that pushed me to finally start a jounal so cheers for that !:bow:

Yep DWC is hard work for a noob mate lol .i have murdered some gorgeous little seedlings up to now!. but im not giving up ..... having said that i have expanded my set up & started doing dirt in airpots as well (just to get something growing while i get DWC sussed!),but thats going badly as well lol .... all silly basic grower error stuff that i do learn from each time & hopfully eliminate .I will probably start another journal for the airpots as i need some help there as well !.

In the mean time heres the crack... I have 1 dinfem amnesia auto in DWC thats stunted & just started to grow after about 2weeks of nothing,just stalled out & roots did not hit the res untill a few days ago,but they are going ok now & its the 1st one i havn't burned so im getting the nutes & EC levels better this time !
I decided this amnesia just aint good enough though & germed 3 blue mammoths that where taking a while to show there faces so i got a bit worried & had a look...They both had a tap root way out of the bottom of the cube but there heads where stuck."Why is this" i here you ask.... Well i stuffed to much rockwool back on top of them when i germed them & packed it down way to much so they couldn';t break though(such a muppet!).Anyway i removed the offending chunk of cube & hey presto in a few hours they started to pop up ...2of These where meant for dirt as the 2 white dwarfs i have in dirt are already burned as i used standard garden centre multi pupose compost with nutes in(got pagron lightmix now thanks to J Tang) . Only 2 of the 3 mammoths made it & 1 has just gone in the airpot with lightmix & the other is in a net pot waiting to go in the bucket once i kill the amnesia ,but im not sure if i've already harmed these mammoths so the other one may go in an airpot as well so i can germ a Dutch Passion Auto Mazar for DWC ... I like this idea as a mate ,Kush T Dog is doing a Mazar grow for Dutch Passion right now & it would be good to follow that maybe?,plus its a DP bean !
I will post a load of pics tomorrow & maybe get some advice on where to go then

ps...sorry thought i had started in the new growers forum ?.
mr V quite the lab you have set up!:thumbs:and when you get your dwc dialed in they will produce!:smokeit:i like the fact you also have some lady's in airpots! that way you can stay medicated!:bong:healthy grow kharma in your direction mrV! i will be looking for some canna porn!:drool:lets see if we can get this thread all sticky!:D
a BIG HIGH welcome to AFN i see you got it going on nice set up.:bow:

let's see whats up ...lookin good bud.
Ha ha Vira you have put the link to my thread up there.... How do you do that?? I honestly don't know how to find that thing... What is it you call that thing anyway... Is it an URL?? I honestly don't know.... I'm a noob with computers as well as plants lol.

Good luck bro.... It's early morn here dude... So I'll get a proper read of where your at later on... Don't be putting anything into your buckets yet... Unless you can't wait anymore of course..
Good luck & I'll help all I can dude. :thumbs: :wiz:
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