This is my first journal and makes me a tad nervous posting -breaking the 1st golden rule! I am a total newbie and apparently the worse grower on the planet.In the last 2 months i have started white widow regulars and ww fems and lost them to various ph problems,deficiencies.I ruined my freebie la diva auto seeds in germination to overwater.My new attempt is at flash cobra auto and g13 poison dwarfs.I currently have 3 cobras that are 9-11 days old out of 8 seeds and 1 poison dwarf auto that has made 16 days old out of 10 seeds. I seem to be doing an excellant job at killing everything i put in dirt and these are no exception. At the moment i am having soil ph problems-soil was testing in the 4.5ph range right out of the bag-which i didn't catch until the last few days when i actually tested it.My runoff water has been in the low 5's with water going in at mid 6's. I've tried the ph up solution and phed the water 2 days ago up to 8.0 and it still came out in low 5's. The plants were looking ok even though the ph was off,the dwarf was showing very faint yellowing along leaf edges. My last water was on the 20th 3/4 liter to 1 gallon pot.On the 21st i decided to add fine dolomite lime and again rewatered with lime mixed in water 1tbsp to 1 gallon,after water i topdressed soil with 1 tsp of fine powdered dolomite and mixed it into top layer of soil. I know i watered too soon-i usually wait 4-5 days in between but i panicked and wanted to use the lime to correct the soil ph. Today the dwarf has little brown tips on some of the leaves and has yellowed a little bit more,a few leaves curling down at tips.The cobras are holding tight and don't seem to mind the abuse i've put them through so far although i'm sure something will pop up as they are very small at 9-11 days compared to what the dwarf was at that age. My setup is t5 lighting 2foot 8 bank overhead with 6500 growlux tubes-2" above pots,i have 3 single t5s single bulbs for side light. Pots are 1 gallon plastic with happyfrog soil and extra perlite. Closet temps run 72-74f day and 65f night,light schedule 20/4. Ventilation is small fan for air circulation and carbon scrubber hooked to 200 cfm fan to draw new air in and blow it into attic. The water i'm using is storebought 1 gallon jugs of springwater which run around 6.0-6.2 ph right out of jug. Thats about all i can think of to catch up on 2 weeks of my new attempt. I'm finding it hard to believe i can grow an awesome vegetable garden and these plants are kicking my butt! Lesson learned so far is to check soil ph before planting and correct it before putting plants in pot-i think this is what done in my other attempts as i'm still working off the original bag of happyfrog with 4.5 ph. any suggestions would be appreciated as i'm about at the end of my rope and seed supply! got 5 g13 pineapple express auto fem seeds,1 dinafem blue widow fem seed,1 dinafem blue hash fem seed,and 1 ch9 afghan haze 33 fem seed left for backups.I guess if this doesn't work out i have an awesome veg closet setup to start my tomatoes and peppers lol!