A good strain for Opiate Withdrawal

just jared a blue dream, been smok'in semi dry for a couple of days, woke this morn and realized I had no pain, old trail's overuse injuries, grew blue dream last year and same effect, why she is my fav.....................anti inflammation circulation bust.........no lethargy, smile on face motivate
Blue dream is not sedative, so if symptoms need a big slow down blue dream won't help with that, it's not speedy though and would probably help with depression as well as described pain.
Trust me on this one and if you are going to be coming off opiates of any kind do yourself the biggest favor in the world and get some kratom extract! I am just about as big of an advocate for Kratom as I am of cannabis, maybe even more so because it directly saved my life. It is an all natural way to deal with the withdrawls from opiates, they have been using it in the eastern part of the world for thousands of years to get people off of opium, in fact it is largely credited with ridding the east of the first great scourge which was opium.

If not for Kratom I would be dead, period. It is miracle stuff I swear! Do a little research on in, I have done lots and it is some magical shit when it comes to getting off opes

Kratom, along with cannabis is among the most healing substances in the planet. So, of course, the DEA has submitted it's letter of intent to make Kratom a schedule I substance September 30th. Can't allow things like canna is and Kratom to torpedo the pharma profits.

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