just Trying to absorb knowledge.
There's some great guides to cloning out there. Many start with a known female "mother plant" with specific genetics they really like.
You can carefully presex it to know its a female (best) or if you have to get it to barely start flowering and flip it back but that might have some risks or even just start with a feminized seed now a days.
Because its a clone it will be more or less exactly like the mother plant including age which I believe is why most wont take cutting from an auto or a flowering plant. Choose the branches you cut carefully. There's a procedure to selecting them, cutting them, dipping in rooting powder/solution and "planting" them. Years ago we used a "soil mix" , now I feel rapid rooters or rockwool is more common.
Then we used to put it in a seed propagator with the dome. They got no roots so you mist them to give them water and the dome keeps the humidity up. Lighting is important but not too much. Back then we used fluorescent tubes real close. I'm sure leds work as well but I'd measure the ppfd (or lux).
A quick search here or google will get you a decent quide.
People still do it and sell clones or even just cuttings.
Hope that wets ya whistle lol it can be fun and on the plus side
You won't be paying for seeds, you know the genetics and you know its gonna be a female.
It won't be an auto but you can still just flip the lights to 12/12 it's gonna bud.
Or make your cuttings and time it so they're ready for your outdoor grow