Photoperiod 50 some mystery seeds !!!

May 10, 2017
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Hey guys ! Questions for breeders

So I have 50 mystery seeds and wanted to know what’s the best way to go about culling ? What would be the smallest pots I could put these photoperiods in ?

What do I look for when picking keepers ?
Hey guys ! Questions for breeders

So I have 50 mystery seeds and wanted to know what’s the best way to go about culling ? What would be the smallest pots I could put these photoperiods in ?

What do I look for when picking keepers ?

First criteria for culling is general vigor.
Weak to sprout and weak seedling growth can cull.
Though, don't get too carried away.

First, figure out how much space and light you have,
how many plants you want to finish with.
If they are regular seeds (male and female), then double all figures.
Say, if you want to finish with 10 females.
Then you need 20 plants.
Maybe cull 10 to 15 as seedlings, get you down to 35-40.
Then cull another 10-15 as they mature in veg and pre-flower.

Smallest pot size... in theory, almost no such thing.
But practically, depends on how much floor space you have.
And ceiling height.....

If you want to separate out the females from males early,
you can start them in smaller pots, like even 1L or 2L (1/4 to 1/2 gal).
Lights on 12/12 from the start, and take clones from all plants as soon as branches are big enough.
As soon as the show sex, cull the males, and put the females in bigger pots to flower out.
Maybe make a few more culls on the weaker females.
Root your clones and veg them while this is going on.
You can finish off all the females, and really need to flower them out,
see how long they take, what they're like, their strength, flavors, etc.
Then keep your best ladies, maybe 3-8, not too few, not too many.
If you're doing a big indoor garden, make sure that they have similar finishing times.

Then keep the vegging clones from those keeper ladies, and throw the rest.
(Or, give them away to some friends or throw them outside or whatever...)

You may want to keep some clones from the more vigorous males, too.
Keep a couple of them, if you want to do some breeding.

Just some random thoughts on doing this.
Mainly based on many photo runs from seeds of my own crosses, years ago.
But also from some good stuff I've read online, but actual breeders (not pollen chuckers like me...)

All the best!!!